Table des matières



particule enclitique, indéfinie, copulative ou disjonctive, ou conditionnelle (invariable) : et ; alors, maintenant ; mais ; si

emplois idiomatiques

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

ca (indef.enchtic particle) [Vedic ca rel.pron.*qǔo,idg.*que=Cr.te,Lat.que,Goth.–h.Cp.ka,ki,ku]
1.Indefinite (after the sense of kiṁ = what about? or how is it? cp.kiṁ) = ever,whoever,what-ever,etc.[Sk.kaśca,Gr.οs te,Lat:quisque,Goth.hvazuh] so ca whoever (see below 3),tañ ca pan’amhākaṁ ruccati tena c’amhā attamanā M.I,93; yañ ca kho ...ceteti yañ ca pakappeti ...whatever he thinks,whatever he intends ...S.II,65.As a rule the Pali form Sk.kaśca is *kascid=koci,& ci (cid) is the regular P.representative of the indefinite ca (cp.cana & api).–
2.Copulative or disjunctive according to the general context being positive or negative.
(a) copulative:and,then,now : tadā ca now then,and then (in historical exposition) J.III,188.Most frequent in connecting two or three words,usually placed after the second,but also after the third : atthaṁ anatthañ ca Dh.256; pubbâparāni ca Dh.352; alaṁ etehi ambehi jambūhi panasehi ca J.II,160.– In the same sense added to each link of the chain as ca-ca (,Gr.te te,Lat.que que; also mixed with constituents of similar pairs as api-ca,cp.te-kai) : tuyhañ ca tassā ca to you and her (orig.this or whatever to you,whatever to her)=to you as well as to her J.I,151.Often with the first member emphasized by eva : c’eva,as well as : hasi c’eva rodi ca, he laughed as well as cried J.I,167; maṁsena c’eva phalāphalena ca, with flesh as well as with all kinds of fruit J.III,127; subhaddako c’eva supesalo ca J.III,82; c’eva apace padūse pi ca, waste and even defile ThA.72 (Ap V.40).‹-›
(b) disjunctive : but (esp.after a negation) : yo ca but who Th.1,401; yadā ca but when (cp.tadā ca) J.III,128.In conditional clauses (cp.3) combd with sace = but if,on the other hand : sace agāraṁ ajjhāvasati ...sace ca pabbajati agārā Sn.1003.With neg,na ca = but not : mahatī vata te bondi,na ca paññā tadūpikā (but your wisdom is not in the same proportion) J.II,160.‹-›
3.Conditional : if [=Vedic ced,Lat.absque] D.I,186,207; II,36,57 (jāti ca not va); M.I,91; S.III,66 (rūpañ ca attā abhavissa); A.I,58; V,87; J.II,110 (ciram pi kho khadeyya yavaṁ ...ravamāno ca dūsayi : “he might have caten a long time,if he had not come to harm by his cry," or “but"); IV,487; V,185,216 (Sakko ca me varaṁ dajjā so ca labbhetha me varo : “if S.will give me a wish,that wish will be granted," or : “whatever wish he will allow,that one will be fulfilled"); VI,206,208.– na ca (at the beginning of an interrog.phrase)= if not S.I,190 (ahaṁ ca kho ...pavāremi,na ca me Bhagavā kiñci garahati : if the Bh.will not blame me).For see AvŚ II.189,n.o.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

ca conj. cl. et, aussi, ainsi que | mais, par contre, bien que; si | même; précisément, uniquement || lat. que.