Table des matières



verbe : s'éveiller (voix moyenne) ; percevoir, connaître, comprendre (voix active, + accusatif)


Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

bujjhati [budh,y- formation, Sk.budhyate for the usual bodhate.The sense is that of a Med.,but is also used as Act.with Acc.of object,e.g.saccāni bujjhi “he recognised the truths” Vism.209.– The Dhtp (414) and Dhtm (652) explain budh by “avagamane" (understanding,see ogamana),Dhtm (242) also by “bodhane" (awakening).Bdhgh’s expln of the meaning is “kilesa-santāna-niddāya uṭṭhahati cattāri vā ariyasaccāni paṭivijjhati Nibbānam eva vā sacchikaroti" DhsA.217,cp.trsln at Expos.294 “to rise from the slumber of the continuum of the lower nature,or a penetrating the Ariyan Truths,or a realizing Nibbāna"] to be awake,to be enlightened in (Acc.),to perceive,to know,recognise,understand D.II,249; S.I,74,198; Dh.136,286; Th.1,146; J.III,331; IV,49,425; Miln.165,348 (pot. bujjheyya); Dpvs.I,14 (with Gen.) KhA 219 (so attho sukhaṁ b.).3rd pl. bujjhare Th.2,453; Bu II.183.imper. bujjhassu Bu II.183.‹-› fut. bujjhissati Bu II.65; aor. abujjhi Bu II.211,and bujjhi J.IV,425; Vism.209; pret.3rd sg. abujjhatha Bu VII.22.– ppr. bujjhamāna Sn.395; Bu VII.22; DhA.I,93.– pp. buddha (q.v.).– Caus.I. bodheti (q.v.).– Caus.II. bujjhāpeti to lead to knowledge or recognition J.I,407.Two infinitives formed fr.bodh,but belonging to budh are bodhuṃ J.V,341,and boddhuṃ Th.1,167.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

budh (1) v. [1] pr. (bodhati) v. [4] pr. md. (budhyate) pft. (bubodha) aor. md. [4] (abuddha) pp. (buddha) inf. (boddhum) abs. (buddhvā, -budhya) pf. (anu, ava, ut, ni, pra, prati, vi, sam) s'éveiller, réveiller, veiller | apprendre, découvrir, percevoir, s'apercevoir; savoir, comprendre | observer, penser, réfléchir à — ca. (bodhayati) pfp. (bodhayitavya) abs. (bodhayitvā) attirer l'attention; éveiller; réveiller, ranimer, exciter | faire comprendre, rappeler, révéler; aviser, informer, conseiller; instruire — int. (bobhudhīti) réfléchir intensément — dés. (bubhutsati) dés. md. (bubhutsate) vouloir comprendre — dés. (bubhodhiṣati) dés. md. (bubhodiṣate) id. || ang. to bid; all. bieten.
budh (2) [agt. budh_1] ifc. a. m. n. f. qui s'éveille | qui comprend; versé en | intelligent, éclairé, sage en.