Table des matières



verbe :

(1) : se nourrir, manger ; faire usage de, tirer avantage de, prendre plaisir à

(2) : nettoyer, purifier

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

(1) bhuñjati [bhuj to Lat.fruor,frūx=E.fruit,frugal etc.; Goth.brūkjan =As.brūkan =Ger.brauchen.The Dhtp 379 (& Dhtm 613) explns bhuj by “pālan’ajjhohāresu," i.e.eating & drinking for the purpose of living] to eat (in general),to enjoy,make use of,take advantage of,use Sn.102,240,259,619; Dh.324; Pug.55.Pot. bhuñjeyya Sn.400; Dh.308,2nd pl.bhuñjetha Dh.70; Mhvs 25,113.Imper.2nd med.bhuñjassa S.V,53; 3rd act.bhuñjatu S.I,141; Sn.479; bhuñjassu Sn.421; ppr.bhuñjanto J.III,277:bhuñjamāna Th.1,12; Sn.240.Fut.1st sg.bhokkhaṃ [Sk.bhoksyāmi] J.IV,117.Aor.1st sg.bhuñjiṃ Miln.47; 3rd sg.bhuñji J.IV,370; 3rd pl.abhuñjiṃsu Th.1,922; abhuñjisuṃ Mhvs 7,25.Ger.bhutvā J.III,53 (=bhuñjitvā C.); DhA.I,182; bhutvāna Sn.128.Grd.bhuñjitabba Mhvs 5,127.Inf.bhottuñ :see ava°.‹-› pp.bhutta.– Caus.bhojeti (q.v.).Cp.bhoga, bhojana, bhojanīya, bhojja; also Desid.pp.bubbhukkhita ; & ābhuñjati
(2) bhuñjati [bhuj to purify,cleanse,sift,not given in this meaning by the Dhātupāṭha.Cp.Av.buxti purification buj to clean,also Lat.fungor (to get through or rid of,cp.E.function), to sweep; P.paribhuñjati 2,paribhojaniya & vinibbhujati.See Kern,Toev.p.104,s.v.bhujissa] to clean,purify,cleanse:see bhuja2 and bhujissa,also bhoja & bhojaka

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

bhuj v. [7] pr. md. (bhuṅkte) pft. (bubhoja) pp. (bhukta) ppr. md. (bhuñjāna) inf. (bhoktum) pfp. (bhoktavya, bhogya, bhojya) pf. (anu, upa) jouir de, posséder <acc.>; jouir charnellement de | manger, goûter; boire | utiliser, employer, exploiter; gouverner, régir — ca. (bhojayati) ca. (bhuñjāpayati) nourrir; nourrir qqn. <acc.> avec qqc. <acc. i.> — dés.(bubhukṣati) désirer manger ou posséder || lat. fungor, fructus; fr. fruit.