
adhi- / ajjh-

préposition & préfixe (invariable) de direction ou de localisation : jusqu'à, vers (en direction d'un but on d'une fin) ; sur, au-dessus de, supérieur ; en plus de, hors de ; ici (emploi de localisation)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

adhi [Vedic adhi; base of demonstr. pron. a° + suffix-dhi,corresponding in form to Gr. e)/n-qa “on this” = here,cp. o(/qi where,in meaning equal to adv. of direction Gr. dέ (toward) = Ohg. zuo,E. to].
A. Prep. and pref. of direction & place:(a) as direction denoting a movement towards a definite end or goal = up to,over,toward,to,on (see C 1 a). – (b) as place where (prep. c. Loc. or abs.) = on top of,above,over,in; in addition to. Often simply deictic “here” (e. g.) ajjhatta = adhi + ātman “this self here” (see C 1 b).
B. adhi is freq. as modification pref.,i. e. in loose compn. with n. or v. and as first part of a double prefixcpd. ,like ajjhā° (adhi + ā),adhippa° (adhi + pra),but never occurs as a fixed base,i. e. as 2nd part of a pref.‹-› cpd.,like ā in paccā° (prati + ā),paryā° (pari + ā) or ava in paryava° (pari + ava) or ud in abhyud° (abhi + ud),samud° (sam + ud). As such (i. e. modification) it is usually intensifying,meaning “over above,in addition,quite,par excellence,super”–(adhideva a super-god,cp. ati-deva),but very often has lost this power & become meaningless (like E. up in “shut up,fill up,join up etc),esp. in double pref.-cpds. (ajjhāvasati “to dwell here-in” = āvasati “to dwell in,to inhabit”) (see C 2). – In the explns of P. Commentators adhi is often (sometimes far-fetchedly) interpreted by abhibhū “overpowering” see e. g. C. on adhiṭṭhāti & adhiṭṭhita; and by virtue of this intens. meaning we find a close relationship between the prefixes ati, adhi and abhi,all interchanging dialectically so that P. adhi often represents Sk. ati or abhi; thus adhi › ati in adhikusala,°kodhita,°jeguccha,°brahmā; adhi › abhi in adhippatthita,°pātcti,°ppāya,°ppeta,°bādheti,°bhū,°vāha. Cp. also ati IV.
C. The main applications of adhi are the foll.:1. primary meaning (in verbs & verb derivations):either direction in which or place where,depending on the meaning of the verb determinate,either lit. or fig. – (a) where to:adhiyita (adhi + ita) “gone on to or into” = studied; ajjhesita (adhi + esita) “wished for”; °kata “put to” i. e. commissioned; °kāra commission; °gacchati “to go on to & reach it” = obtain; °gama attainment; °gaṇhāti to overtake = surpass,°peta (adhi + pra + ita) “gone in to” = meant,understood; °pāya sense meaning,intention; °bhāsati to speak to = address; °mutta intent upon; °vacana “saying in addition” = attribute,metaphor,cp. Fr. sur-nom; °vāsāna assent,°vāseti to dwell in,give in = consent. – (b) where:°tiṭṭhati (°ṭṭhāti) to stand by = look after,perform; °ṭṭhāna place where; °vasati to inhabit; °sayana “lying in”,inhabiting. – 2. secondary meaning (as emphatic modification):(a) with nouns or adjectives:adhi-jeguccha very detestable; °matta “in an extreme measure”,°pa supreme lord; °pacca lordship; °paññā higher,additional wisdom; °vara the very best; °sīla thorough character or morality. – (b) with verbs (in double pref.-cpds.); adhi + ava: ajjhogāheti plunge into; ajjhoṭhapeti to bring down to (its destination); °otthata covered completely; °oharati to swallow right down. adhi + ā: ajjhappatta having reached (the end); ajjhapīḷita quite overwhelmed; °āvuttha inhabited; °ārūhati grown up over; °āsaya desire,wish (cp. Ger. n. Anliegen & v. daranliegen). adhi + upa: ajjhupagacchati to reach,obtain; °upeti to receive; °upekkhati “to look all along over” = to superintend adhi + pra: adhippattheti to long for,to desire.
Note. The contracted (assimilation-)form of adhi before vowels is ajjh- (q. v.).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

adhi prép. sur, au-dessus de <loc.> | supérieur; en sus, en addition | hors de <abl.> | concernant.