====== yutta ====== ===== yutta ===== //participe// (passé) : **joint**, attelé, uni à, accouplé à (+ loc.) ; **fixé**, en ordre, prêt ; **capable**, adapté, convenable * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : participe passé du verbe [[yunjati|yuñjati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **yutta** [pp.of yuñjati; Vedic yukta,cp.Lat.junctus,Gr.zeuktόs,Lith.jùnktas] 1.(lit.) yoked,harnessed (to= Loc.) Pv.I,114 (catubbhi yutta ratha); Mhvs 35,42 (goṇā rathe yattā); DhA.I,24 (dhure yuttā balivaddā).-- 2.coupled; connected with; (appld) devoted to,applied to,given to,engaged in (-°,Instr.or Loc.) Sn.820 (methune),863 (macchiriya°),1144 (tena,cp.Nd2 532); It.93 (Buddha-sāsane); J.VI,206 (yoga°).-- 3.furnished; fixed,prepared,in order,ready Sn.442 (Māra; =uyyutta SnA 392); PvA.53.-- 4.able,fit (to or for=inf.),suitable,sufficient Sn.826 (cp.Nd1 164); J.V,219; DA.I,141 (dassituṁ yutta=dassanīya); VvA.191 (=alaṁ); PvA.74.-- 5.proper,right PvA.159.-- 6.due to (-°,with a grd.apparently superfluous) J.III,208 (āsaṅkitabba°); cp.yuttaka.-- 7.(nt.) conjunction,i.e.of the moon with one or other constellation Vin.II,217.-- ayutta not fit,not right,improper PvA.6 (perhaps delete),64.-- suyutta well fit,right proper,opp.duyutta unbefitting,in phrase suyuttaṁ duyuttaṁ ācikkhati J.I,296 (here perhaps for dur-utta?).du° also lit.“badly fixed,not in proper condition,in a bad state” at J.IV,245 (of a gate).--kāra acting properly PvA.66.--kārin acting rightly Miln.49.--paṭibhāṇa knowledge of fitness Pug.42 (cp.PugA 223).--payutta intent on etc.PvA.150.--rūpa one who is able or fit (to=inf.) J.I,64.--vāha justified VvA.15. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **yukta** [pp. yuj_1] a. m. n. f. yuktā joint, uni; attelé; prêt, préparé à ; familier avec | concentré, attentif; prêt à la méditation | juste, modéré; approprié, convenable, bon — ifc. doué de, muni de, possédant — m. homme pieux, pratiquant le yoga.