====== yunjati ====== ===== yuñjati ===== //verbe// : **joindre**, unir, lier ensemble (+ loc ou instr.), **s'engager dans** (+ loc.), **s'exercer à** * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. //yuj// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **yuñjati** [Vedic yunakti,yuñjati & yuñkte,yuj; cp.Gr.zeu/gnumi,Lat,jungo to unite,put together (pp.junctus=Sk.yukta,cp.E.junct-ion); Lith.jùngin.The Idg.root *ịeug is an enlarged form of *ịeǔe “to unite,” as in Sk.yanti,yuvati,pp.yuta; f.yuti,to which also Lat.jūs=P.yūsa.The Dhtp gives several (lit.& fig.) meanings of yuj,viz.“yoge” (No.378),“samādhimhi” (399),“saṁgamane” (550)] (lit.) to yoke; (fig.) to join with (Instr.or Loc.),to engage in (Loc.),to exert oneself,to endeavour.All our passages show the applied meaning,while the lit.meaning is only found in the Caus.yojeti.-- Often expld by and coupled with the syn.ghaṭati & vāyamati,e.g.at J.IV,131; V,369; DhA.IV,137.-- Forms:pres.**yuñjati** Dh.382; J.V,369; 2nd pl.**yuñjatha** Th.2,346 (kāmesu;=niyojetha ThA.241); ppr.**yuñjanto** J.IV,131 (kammaṭṭhāne); imper.**yuñja** S.I,52 (sāsane); ThA.12; med.imper.**yuñjassu** Th.2,5.-- Pass.**yujjati** (in grammar or logic) is constructed or applied,fits (in),is meant KhA 168; SnA 148,403,456.-- Caus.I.**yojeti** & II.**yojāpeti** (q.v.).-- pp.**yutta**. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **yuj** v. [7] pr. (**yunakti**) pr. md. (yuṅkte) pr. md. (yuñjate) pft. (yuyoja) aor. [2] (ayujat) aor. [4] (ayokṣīt) pp. (yukta) pfp. (yogya, yugya, yoktavya) ppr. md. (yuñjāna) abs. (yuktvā, -yujya) pf. (anu, abhi, ā, ut, upa, ni, pra, prati, vi, sam) joindre, unir avec ; employer, traiter qqn. de telle manière | phil. unir à Dieu par le yoga — ca. (yojayati) juguler; atteler, équiper, harnasser; entreprendre; diriger son esprit, fixer son attention sur — ps. (yujyate) être employé — dés.(yuyukṣati) désirer unir; vouloir employer || gr. ζευγνυμι; lat. jungo; fr. juguler.