====== yoga ====== ===== yoga ===== //substantif// (masculin ; parfois neutre au pluriel) : joug (rare ; cf. [[yuga|yuga]]) ; **connexion avec**, **application à**, relation (naturelle), association * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : skt. //yuj// ; voir aussi [[yuga|yuga]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **yoga** [Vedic yoga, see etym. under yuga & yuñjati. Usually m.; pl. nt. yogāni occurs at D ii.274 in meaning "bonds"] lit. "yoking, or being yoked," i. e. connection, bond, means; fig. application, endeavour, device. -- 1. yoke, yoking (rare?) J vi.206 (meant here the yoke of the churning -- sticks; cp. J vi.209). -- 2. connection with ( -- ˚), application to; (natural) relation (i. e. body, living connection), association; also conjunction (of stars). mānusaka yoga the relation to the world of men (the human body), opp. dibba yoga: S i.35=60; Sn 641; Dh 417; expld at DhA iv.225 as "kāya." <-> association with: D iii.176; application: Vism 520 (+uppāda). yogato (abl.) from being connected with, by association with PvA 40 (bālya˚), 98 (sammappadhāna˚). -- pubba˚ connection with a former body, one's former action or life -- history J v.476; vi.480; Miln 2. See pubbe1. -- aḍḍhayoga a "half -- connected" building, i. e. a half -- roofed monastery Vin i.239; Vism 34. -- nakkhatta˚ a conjunction of planets, peculiar constellation (in astrology) J i.82, 253 (dhana -- vassāpanaka suitable for a shower of wealth); iii.98; DhA i.174; DhsA 232 (in simile). -- 3. (fig.) bond, tie; attachment (to the world and its lusts), or what yokes to rebirth (Cpd. 1712). There are 4 yogas, which are identical with the 4 oghas viz. kāma˚, bhava˚, diṭṭhi˚, avijjā˚, or the bonds of craving, existence, false views, and ignorance; enumd in detail at A ii.10; D iii.230, 276; J i.374; cp. Ps i.129 (catūhi yogehi yutto lokasannivāso catu -- yoga -- yojito); VbhA 35. Mentioned or referred to at S v.59; Dhs 1059 (ogha+, in defn of taṇhā), cp, Dhs trsln 308; Nett 31 (with ogha), 114 (id.); as sabba -- (or sabbe) yogā at Th 2, 4; 76; S i.213; DhA iii.233; severally at It 95 (bhava -- yoga -- yutta āgāmī hoti, +kāma˚); ogha+yoga: Pug 21 (avijjā˚); Vism 211, 684; cp. also D ii.274 (pāpima -- yogāni the ties of the Evil one); It 80 (yogā pamocenti bahujanaṃ). -- 4. application, endeavour, undertaking, effort DhA iii.233, 234 (=samma -- ppadhāna). yogaṃ karoti to make an effort, to strive after (dat.) S ii.131; A ii.93 (āsavānaṃ khayāya y. karaṇīya); Miln 35. yogaṃ āpajjati to show (earnest) endeavour, to be active S iii.11 sq.; Vbh 356 (attanā). -- dhamma˚ one who is devoted to the Dhamma A iii.355; yutta˚ (bent on, i. e.) earnest in endeavour J i.65; yāca˚ given to making offerings: see yāca. -- 5. pondering (over), concentration, devotion M i.472; Dh 209 (=yoniso manasikāra DhA iii.275), 282 (same expln at DhA iii.421); Miln 3; Vbh 324 (yoga -- vihitesu kamm' & sipp' -- āyatanesu; VbhA 410 expls: y. vuccati paññā; -- perhaps better to above 4?). -- 6. (magic) power, influence, device, scheme J vi.212 (yoga -- yogena practice of spells etc. =tāya tāya yuttiyā C.); PvA 117 (combd with manta, ascribed to devas). -- 7. means, instrument, remedy J i.380 (vamana˚ an emetic); vi.74 (ekaṃ yogaṃ datvā; but we better read bhesajjaṃ tassa datvā for vatvā, and ekaṃ yogaṃ vatvā for datvā; taking yoga in meaning of "charm, incantation"); Miln 109 (yena yogena sattānaṃ guṇa -- vaḍḍhi . . . tena hitaṃ upadahati). Lire la suite à la apge : [[http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.3:1:365.pali]] =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **yoga** [act. yuj_1] m. véhicule, équipement; moyen, méthode; convenance | contact; union, jonction; zèle, soin; concentration d'esprit | soc. expérience mystique de fusion divine, enstase | soc. discipline spirituelle, pratique du yoga; le yoga intégral [rājayoga] comprend une morale de vie de nature frugale assurant le contrôle de soi [yama_1] par une discipline d'exercices spirituels [niyama], et la pratique d'exercices de maîtrise du corps [haṭhayoga] et de méditation [dhyāna] afin d'acquérir la libération dans l'enstase [samādhi]; il a été codifié dans le Yogasūtra en 8 disciplines [aṣṭāṅgayoga] | phil. système philosophique du yoga, attribué à Patañjali_2, l'un des 6 points de vue [ṣaḍdarśana] de l'Hindouisme orthodoxe; il traite de l'univers intérieur de l'homme ou microcosme; c'est une version théiste du sāṃkhya [seśvarasāṃkhya] | soc. la dévotion, un pañcopāsana selon Rāmānuja | gram. sens étymologique d'un mot (opp. rūḍhi sens traditionnel) | astr. conjonction | pl. yogās astr. constellation, astérisme; il y a 12 khayogās, et en incluant la lune 13 cāndrayogās | astr. le temps pris par le soleil et la lune pour parcourir une longitude de 13° 20'; il y a 27 tels yogās dans un mois lunaire, correspondant aux nakṣatrāṇi || fr. joug; ang. yoke.