====== yamati ====== ===== yamati ===== //verbe// : **contrôler**, restreindre, réprimer, réfréner, apaiser * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. //yam// ; voir aussi [[yatati|yatati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **yamati** [yam,given in meaning “uparame” i.e.cessation,quieting at Dhtp 226 & Dhtm 322,at the latter with additional “nāse.” On etym.see Walde,Lat.Wtb.s.v.redimio and emo:cp.yanta] to restrain,suppress,to become tranquil; only in stanza Dh.6=Th.I,275=J.III,488 as 1st pl.med.yamāmase in imper.sense:“pare ca na vijānanti mayaṁ ettha yamāmase,” which is expld both at DhA.I,65,Th.1 A,& J.III,489 in connection with yama,2 viz.“yamāmase:uparamāma nassāma satataṁ samitaṁ maccu-santikaṁ gacchāmā ti na jānanti,” i.e.let us go continually into the presence of death.A little further at DhA.I,66 the expln of it is “bhaṇḍ’‹-› ādīnaṁ vuddhiyā vāyamāmā ti na vijānanti.” The meaning is “to control oneself,” cp.saṁyamāmase S.I,209.Leop.v.Schroeder however trsls.“Und mancher Mann bedenket nicht:wir alle müssen sterben hier” (Worte der Wahrheit,p.2.).-- yameyyātha at S.I,217 is wrongly separated from the preceding vā,which ought to be read as vāyameyyātha (so K.S.I.281). =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **yam** [relié à yat_1] v. [1] pr. (yacchati) pft. (yayāma) pft. md. (yeme) pp. (yata) pf. (ā, ut, upa, ni, pra, sam) tenir, brandir; soutenir, porter; maintenir, conserver, procurer; retenir, refréner — pr. md. (yacchate) retenir; contrôler, refréner, subjuguer, maîtriser; se contrôler | offrir, conférer, accorder à | donner en échange contre — ca. (yamayati) tenir, retenir, refréner.