====== ya ====== ===== ya ===== //pronom// relatif : **qui**, que, quoi... * déclinaison : === singulier : qui, que === | ^masculin^neutre^féminin^ ^nominatif|yo|yaṃ/yad|yā| ^accusatif|yaṃ|:::|yaṃ| ^instrumental|yena||yāya| ^ablatif|yamhā/yasmā||:::| ^datif|yassa||yassā/yāya| ^génitif|:::|:::|:::| ^locatif|yamhi, yasmiṃ||yassaṃ/yāyaṃ|\\ === pluriel : qui, que === | ^masculin^neutre^féminin^ ^nominatif|ye|yāni|yā/yāyo| ^accusatif|:::|:::|:::| ^instrumental|yehi||yāhi| ^ablatif|:::||:::| ^datif|yesaṃ||yāsaṃ| ^génitif|:::|:::|:::| ^locatif|yesu||yāsu| =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **ya** [pron. rel. base; Vedic yaḥ=Gr. o(/s who; cp. Goth. jabai if, -- ei rel. part. An amplification of the dem. pron. base *i -- , *ei -- (cp. ayaṃ). See on detail Brugmann, "Die indogerm. Pronomina" in Ber. d. sächs. Ges. LX. 41 sq.] I. Forms. (See inflection also at Geiger, P.Gr. § 110.) The decl. is similar to that of ta˚; among the more rarely found forms we only mention the foll.: sg. nom. m. yo with by -- form (in hiatus) yv -- , as yv'âyaṃ=yo ayaṃ M i.258; yv'âssa=yo assa M i.137. Notice the lengthening of the subsequent vowel. <-> An unsettled ya is to be found at J v.424 (Fausböll remarks "for yassā"?; perhaps to be combd with preceding pañcapatikā; C. on p. 427 expls ya -- kāro nipātamatto) -- abl. yasmā in adv. use; yamhā Dh 392. -- loc. yamhi Dh 261, 372, 393. -- f. loc. yassaṃ A iii.151 (see below). See further adv. use of cases (below ii.5). -- At Pv ii.16 yāhi is doubtful (perhaps imper.=yajahi, of yajati; C. leaves it unexpld).\\ Special mention must be made of the nt. n. acc. sg., where both yaṃ and yad are found. The (Vedic) form yad (Ved. yat) has been felt more like ya+expletive (Sandhi -- ) d, and is principally found in adv. use and certain archaic phrases, whereas yaṃ represents the usual (Pali) form (like tad and taṃ). See more under II. -- A Māgadhized form is ye (after se=taṃ), found at D ii.278 (see Geiger § 1052 & 1102. Cp. Trenckner, Notes 75.). The expression ye -- bhuyyena may belong under this category, if we explain it as yad+bhuyyena (bhuyyena equivalent to bhiyyoso). It would then correspond to seyyathā (=sad+yathā, cp. sayathā, sace, taṃyathā). See refs. under yebhuyyena. -- The expression yevāpanaka is an adj. formn from the phrase ye -- vā -- pana (=yaṃ vā pana "whatever else there is"), i. e. belonging to something of the same kind, i. e. corresponding, reciprocal, as far as concerned, respective. (See s. v.) -- In adv. use it often corresponds to E. as; see e. g. yad -- icchakaṃ, yad -- idaṃ (under ii.2 b; ii.4 b.).\\ __Meaning__ : "which," in correspondence to a following demonstr. pron. (ta˚); whichever (generalizing); nt. what, whatever. In immediate combn with the demonstr. pron. it is qualifying and specifying the person, thing or subject in discussion or question (see below 4).\\ 1. Regular use as correl. pron., when ya˚ (+noun) is followed by ta˚ (+noun). Sometimes (in poetry) the reverse is the case, e. g. at It 84 where ta˚ (m. sa) is elliptically omitted: atthaṃ na jānāti yaṃ lobho sahate naraṃ "he does not know good, whom greed overcomes." -- Otherwise regular, e. g.: yassa jātarūparajataṃ kappati pañca pi tassa kāmaguṇā kappanti S iv.326. In a generalizing sense (cp. below ii.3): yo vā so vā "der erste beste," some or other, whoever, any J iv.38; v.362; yaṃ vā taṃ vā karotu let her do whatever she likes VvA 208; yasmiṃ vā tasmiṃ vā on every occasion S i.160 na yo vā so vā yakkho not this or that yakkha i. e. not any (ordinary) kind of Yakkha (but Inda) DA i.264. -- The same use (ordinary correlative) applies to the nt. forms yaṃ & yad in correl. to taṃ and tad. \\ Lire la suite à la page : [[http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.3:1:236.pali]] =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== ya_1 [m. yad] pn. relatif m. qui, que || lat. is, ea, id.