====== vindati ====== ===== vindati ===== //verbe// : **connaître**, établir, vérifier ; **trouver**, obtenir, posséder, **apprécier** * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. //vid// ; Lat. //video// ; fr. //voir// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **vindati** [vid,both in meaning “to know” & “to find”; cp.Gr.ei]_don I saw,oi]_da I know=Sk.veda “Veda,” ei)/dwlon “idol”; Vedic //vindati// to find,//vetti// to know,//vidyā// knowledge; Goth.witan to observe & know= Ger.wissen; Goth.weis=E.wise,etc.for which see Walde,Lat.Wtb.s.v.//video//] the Vedic differentiations //vetti// “to know” and //vindati// “to find” are both in Pāli,but only in sporadic forms,some of which are archaic and therefore only found in poetry.Of //vid// are more frequent the Pass.//vijjati// and derivations fr.the Caus.//ved//°.The root //vind// occurs only in the present tense and its derivations.\\ **A.- vid** to know, to ascertain : The old Vedic pres.//vetti// only at Th.1,497 (spelt veti).Another old aor.is **vedi** [Sk.ayedīt] Dh.419,423; J.III,420 (=aññāsi); IV,35 (here perhaps as aor.to Caus.**vedeti** : to cause to know or feel).Remnants of the old perfect tense 3rd pl.[Sk.viduḥ] are **vidū** & **viduṃ** (appears as //vidu// in verse),e.g.at Th.1,497; Sn.758; Pv.II,74 (=jānanti PvA.102); J.V,62 (=vijānanti C.); Mhvs 23,78.The old participle of the same tense is **vidvā** [=Sk.vidvān; cp.Geiger P.Gr.1002] in meaning “wise” Sn.792,897,1056,1060; expld as vijjāgato ñāṇī vibhāvī medhāvī at Nd1 93,308; Nd2 575.Opp. **avidvā** Sn.535; M.I,311.-- Younger forms are a reconstructed (grammatical) pres.**vidati** DA.I,139; ger.**viditvā** S.V,193; Sn.353,365,581,1053,1068 and pp.**vidita** (q.v.).-- Pass.**vijjati** to be found,to be known,to exist; very frequent,e.g.Sn.20 (pl.**vijjare**),21,431,611,856,1001,1026; Th.1,132; D.I,18; Pv.I,56; II,318 (spelt **vijjite**!) II.914 (=atthi C.); 3rd sg.pret.**vijjittha** Sn.1098 (mā v.=saṁvijjittha Nd2 568).ppr.**vijjamāna** existing J.I,214; III,127; PvA.25,87,103; Miln.216 (Gen.pl.**vijjamānataṁ**).‹-› Caus.**vedeti**; Pass.Caus.**vediyati**; grd.**vedanīya** : see separately,with other derivations.\\ **B.- vind** to find,possess,enjoy (cp.vitta1,vitta2,vitti) Sn.187 (vindate dhanaṁ),658; Th.1,551; 2,79 (aor.**vindi**); J.VI,508 (**vindate**,med.=look for,try to find for oneself); Mhvs 1,13 (ppr.**vindaṃ**); DhA.III,128 (ppr.**vindanto**),410.PvA.60,77.-- inf.**vindituṃ** Miln.122; J 18; grd; **vindiya** Vism.526 (as avindiya in expln of avijjā).‹-› Cp.nibbindati.-- pp.**vitta** 1 (for which adhigata in lit.meaning). =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **vid (1)** v. [2] pr. (vetti) v. [6] pr. (vidati) pft. (veda) aor. [5] (avedīt) pp. (vidita) ppft. (vidvas) pfp. (veditavya, vedya) abs. (viditvā) pf. (ā, ni, prati, sam) savoir, connaître; connaître comme <2 acc.>; comprendre | éprouver, ressentir, avoir conscience de; voir — ps. (vidyate) être su, être connu — ca. (vedayati) ps. (vedyate) informer qqn. ; faire savoir, montrer, communiquer qqc. ; apprendre qqc. à qqn. <2 acc.> — dés.(vividiṣati) vouloir connaître, désirer savoir; investiguer — dés.(vivitsati) id. — int. (vevidīti) int. md. (vevidyate) bien savoir || lat. video; all. wissen, weise; ang. wit, wise.\\ **vid (2)** [relié à vid_1] v. [6] pr. (vindati) v. [2] pr. md. (vitte) pft. (viveda) aor. [2] (avidat) pp. (vitta, vinna) ppr. ps. (vidyamāna) pf. (nis) trouver, découvrir, acquérir, obtenir | procurer à qqn. — pr. md. (vindate) obtenir en mariage, épouser — v. [7] pr. md. (vintte) discuter, considérer — ps. (vidyate) se trouver, exister, être.