====== vijja ====== ===== vijjā / vijja ===== **1) vijjā**\\ //substantif// (féminin) : **science**, étude, tradition ; **vision**, **connaissance** * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -ā]] * étymologie : [[vindati|vindati]] **2) vijja**\\ //adjectif// : **qui possède le savoir, la connaissance** * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[vijja|vijjā]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **2) vijja** (adj.) (--°) [=vijjā] having vijjā,possessed of wisdom; in vatthu°,tiracchāna°,nakkhatta° etc.(referring to the lower arts condemned as heretic:vijjā c.) S.III,239.te° possessed of threefold wisdom:see vijjā b\\ **1) vijjā** (f.) [cp.Vedic vidyā knowledge:etym.see under vindati] one of the dogmatic terms of Buddhist teaching,varying in meaning in diff.sections of the Canon.It is not always the positive to avijjā (which has quite a welldefined meaning from its first appearance in Buddhist psych.ethics),but has been taken into the terminology of Buddhism from Brahmanic and popular philosophy.The opposite of avijjā is usually ñāṇa (but cp.S.III,162 f.171; V,429).Although certain vijjās pertain to the recognition of the “truth” and the destruction of avijjā,yet they are only secondary factors in achieving “vimutti” (cp.abhiññā,ñāṇa-dassana & paññā).That vijjā at M.I,22 is contrasted with avijjā is to be expld as a word-play in a stereotype phrase.-- A diff.side of “knowledge” again is given by “bodhi.” ‹-› (a) Vijjā is a general,popular term for lore in the old sense,science,study,esp.study as a practice of some art (something like the secret science of the medicine man:cp.vejja!); hence appld in special,“dogmatic” sense as “secret science,” revelation (put into a sort of magic formula),higher knowledge (of the learned man),knowledge which may be applied and used as an art (cp.magister artium!),practical knowledge; but also mysterious knowledge:“charm.” -- (b) vijjā,having a varying content in its connotation,is applied to a series of diff.achievements.A rather old tabulation of the stages leading by degrees to the attainment of the highest knowledge is given in the Sāmañña-phala-sutta (D.I,63--86),repeated in nearly every Suttanta of D 1.It is composed of the 3 sampadās,viz.sīla°,citta° & paññā°. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **vidyā** [vid_1-yā_3] f. science, connaissance, savoir, sagesse | tradition sacrée; le Veda, connaissance révélée | soc. formule magique | phil. [śaivasiddhānta] aspect du bindu associé à Sadāśiva-Aghora.\\ **ya**_2 [agt. yā_1] ifc. a. m. n. f. **yā**_3 qui va vers, qui recherche.