====== vibbhanta ====== ===== vibbhanta ===== //participe// (passé) du verbe [[vibbhamati|vibbhamati]] : **égaré**, confus * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **vibbhanta** [pp.of vibbhamati] 1.roaming,straying ; strayed,confused M.I,171 (padhāna° giving up exertion),247 (id.).Usually in phrase °citta with wandering (or confused) mind S.I,61 (see expln of C.at K.S.I.321),204; III,93; V,269; A.I,70; II,30; III,391; It.90; J.IV,459 (+kupit’indriya); Miln.324.-- At DhsA.260 we find the cpd.vibbhanti-bhāva [vibbhanta in compn with bhu!] of citta,in meaning “wavering,roaming” (of mind):so read for vibhatti-bhāva. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **vibhram** [vi-bhram] v. [1] pr. (vibhramati) v. [4] pr. (vibhrāmyati) pp. (**vibhrānta**) errer, circuler, se remuer dans tous les sens, devenir confus | disperser, remuer.