====== vi ====== ===== -vi ===== //préfixe// (invariable) : *privatif : **séparé de**, distingué de, loin de, en dehors de, privé de *intensif : **très** *__commentaire__ : l'idée première de séparation entraîne l'idée de multiplicité, puis d'intensité. =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **vi** (indecl.) [prefix, resting on Idg. *ṷi "two," as conno- tation of duality or separation (Ger. "ent -- zwei"), which is contained in viŋśati, num. for "twenty" (see vīsati), cp. Sk. viṣu apart, Gr. i)/dios private (lit. separate); also Sk. u -- bhau both; and *ṷidh, as in Lat. dīvido=divide. A secondary (compar.) formation in Sk. vitara further, farther, Goth. wipra against, Ger. wider] 1. (a) inseparable prefix of separation and expansion, in original meaning of "asunder," semantically closely related to Lat. //dis// -- & Ger //ver// -- . Often as base -- prefix in var. meanings (see below 1 -- 4), also very frequent as modifying prefix (in combn with other primary prefixes like ā, ni, pa, paṭi, saṃ), where its prevailing character is one of emphasis. -- (b) The native grammarians define vi- either as "vividha" (i. e. our meaning 2): see Bdhgh. at SnA 136 (viharati=vividhaŋ hitaṃ harati); and Vism 179 vividhaṃ khittaŋ=vikkhittaṃ ; see also under viggaṇhati ; or "prātilomya" (i. e. meaning 3): Nirukta (ed. Roth) i.3; or paraphrase it by su˚ or suṭṭhu (i. e. meaning 4): see under vimāna & vippasanna. The latter meaning also in Hemacandra's Anek' ārtha -- sangraha (ed. Calc.) 7, 15: "śreṣṭhe 'tīte nānārthe" (i. e. Nos. 4 & 2). -- (c) vi˚ occurs also as distributive (repetitional) prefix in reduplication compounds (here closely resembling paṭi˚ and the negative a˚), like cuṇṇa -- vicuṇṇa piecemeal, chidda -- vicchidda holes upon holes, vaṭṭa -- vivaṭṭa, etc. -- Contracted forms are vy˚ (=viy˚ before vowels) and vo˚ (=vi+ ava); the guṇa & vriddhi form is ve˚. II. Meanings. -- 1. denoting expansion, spreading out; fig. variety or detail, to be trsld by expressions with over or about (cp. Lat. e -- ), as: ˚kampati shake about, ˚kāseti open out, ˚kirati scatter about, ˚kūjati sing out (=upa -- nadati C), ˚carati move about (=ā -- hiṇḍati), ˚churita sprinkled about, ˚jāyati bring forth, ˚tāna "spread out," ˚tthāra ex -- tension, de -- tail, ˚dāleti break open, ˚dhammati whirl about, ˚dhāyaka providing, ˚pakirati strew all over, ˚pphāra pervading, ˚pphārika ef -- fulgence, ˚bhajati ex -- plain, ˚bhatta dis -- tributed, ˚bhāga division, distribution, ˚ravati shout out, ˚rūhana growing up, ˚rocati shine out, ˚ssajjati give out, ˚ssaṭṭha sent out, ˚ssara shouting out, ˚ssuta far -- famed. -- 2. denoting disturbance, separation, mixing up (opp. saŋ˚), as given with "away" or "down," or the prefixes de -- and dis -- , e. g. ˚kasita burst asunder, ˚kubbana change, i. e. miracle (meta -- morphosis), ˚kkaya sell ("ver -- kaufen"), ˚kkhambhati de -- stroy, ˚kkhāleti wash off (=ācameti), ˚kkhepa de -- rangement, ˚gata dis -- appeared (used as defn of vi˚ at ThA 80), ˚galita dripping down, ˚ggaha separation, ˚cinati dis -- criminate, ˚jahati dis -- miss, ˚desa foreign country (cp. verajjaka), ˚naṭṭha destroyed, ˚nata bending down, ˚nāsa de -- struction, ˚nicchaya dis -- crimination, ˚nodaka driving out, ˚pāteti to be destroyed, ˚ppalapati to talk confusedly, ˚rājeti discard as rāga, ˚rodha destruction, ˚lumpati break up, ˚vitta separated, ˚vidha mixed, ˚veka separation, ˚vāha carrying away, i. e. wedding. -- 3. denoting the reverse of the simple verb, or loss, difference, opposite, reverse, as expressed by un -- or dis -- , e. g. ˚asana mis -- fortune, ˚kaṭika unclean, ˚kappa change round, ˚kāra per -- turbation, dis -- tortion, ˚kāla wrong time, ˚tatha un -- truth, ˚dhūma smoke -- less, ˚patti corruption, ˚parīta dubious, ˚ppaṭipanna on the wrong track, ˚bhava non -- existence (or as 4 "more" bhava, i. e. wealth), ˚mati doubt, ˚mānana dis -- respect, ˚yoga separation, ˚raja fault -- less, ˚rata abs -- taining, ˚rūpa un -- sightly, ˚vaṭa unveiled, ˚vaṇṇeti defame, ˚vāda dis -- pute, ˚sama uneven, ˚ssandati overflow, ˚ssarita for -- gotten, ˚siṭṭha distinguished, ˚sesa difference, distinction. -- 4. in intensifying sense (developed fr. 1 & 2), mostly with terms expressing per se one or the other of shades of meanings given under 1 -- 3; to be trsld by "away," out, all over, "up," or similarly (completely), e. g. ˚ākula quite confused, ˚katta cut up, ˚kopeti shake up, ˚garahati scold intensely, ˚chindati cut off, ˚jita conquered altogether, ˚jjotita resplendent, ˚tarati come quite through, ˚niyoga close connection, ˚nivatteti turn off completely, ˚pariṇāma intense change, ˚ppamutta quite released, ˚ppasanna quite purified, ˚pphalita crumpled up, ˚bandhana (close) fetter, ˚ramati cease altogether, ˚sahati have sufficient strength, ˚sukkha dried up, ˚suddha very bright, ˚ssamati rest fully (Ger. aus -- ruhen), ˚haññati to get slain. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **vi** pf. (privatif) loin de, en dehors de, privé de, séparé de, distingué de ; en opposition avec | (péj.) mal | (intensif) varié ; intensifié ; très.