====== vatti ====== ===== vatti ===== //verbe// : **dire**, **parler**, **appeler** * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. //vac// * commentaire : la forme du présent de l'indicatif ne se rencontre pas ; on emploie alors [[vadati|vadati]] * construction : dire qqc. à qqn => double accusatif =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **vatti** [Vedic vakti,vac] to speak,say,call; pres.not found (for which vadati); fut.1st sg.**vakkhāmi** J.I,346; 3rd **vakkhati** S.I,142; J.I,356; II,40; VI,352; VbhA.51; 1st pl.**vakkhāma** S.IV,72; M.III,207; Vism.170,446; 3rd **vakkhanti** Vin.II,1; pte.fut.**vakkhamāna** PvA.18.-- aor.1st sg.**avacaṃ** J.III,280; DhA.III,194,& **avocaṃ** Th.2,124; Vv 797; S.I,10; DhA.III,285; 2nd **avaca** Th.2,415,**avoca** Dh.133,& **avacāsi** Vv 357; 539; 3rd **avaca** J.I,294; Pv.II,319; PvA.65 (mā a.); **avoca** Th.2,494; S.I,150; Sn.p.78; J.II,160; PvA.6,31,49,& **avacāsi** J.VI,525; 1st pl.**avacumha** & **avocumha** M.II,91; III,15; 2nd **avacuttha** Vin.I,75 (mā a.); II,297; J.II,48; DhA.I,73; IV,228,& **avocuttha** J.I,176; Miln.9; 3rd pl.**avacuṃ** J.V,260,& **avocuṃ** M.II,147.-- inf.**vattuṃ** Sn.431; J.VI,351; Vism.522=VbhA.130 (vattukāma); SnA 414; DA.I,109; DhA.I,329; II,5.-- ger.**vatvā** SnA 398; PvA.68,73,& **vatvāna** Sn.p.78.‹-› grd.**vattabba** Miln.276 (kiṁ vattabbaṁ what is there to be said about it? i.e.it goes without saying); SnA 123,174,178; PvA.12,27,92.-- ppr.med.**vuccamāna** Vin.I,60; III,221; PvA.13.-- Pass.**vuccati** D.I,168,245; Dh.63; Mhvs 9,9; 34,81 (**vuccate**,v.l.uccate); J.I,129 (**vuccare**,3rd pl.); PvA.24,34,63,76; -- pp.**vutta** (q.v.).-- Caus.**vāceti** to make speak,i.e.to read out; to cause to read; also to teach,to instruct Sn.1018,1020; J.I,452 (read); PvA.97.-- pp.**vācita** (q.v.).‹-› Desid.**vavakkhati** (see Geiger,P.Gr.§ 184=Sk.vivakṣati) to wish to call D.II,256. Vattika=vatika Nd1 89 (having the habit of horses,elephants etc.). =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **vac** v. [2] pr. (vakti) pr. md. (vaṣṭe) imp. (voci) v. [3] pr. (vivakti) pft. (uvāca) pft. md. (ūce) aor. [2] (avocat) aor. ps. (avāci) aor. ps. (avoci) subj. (vocati) pp. (ukta) ppft. (ūcivas) inf. (vaktum) fut. péri. (vaktā) pfp. (vaktavya, vacanīya) abs. (uktvā, -ucya) pf. (adhi, anu, nis, pra, prati, vi) parler; dire qqc. à qqn <2 acc.>; appeler | réciter, invoquer — ps. (ucyate) être dit, être parlé | être interpellé, être informé, être appelé — ca. (vācayati) ps. (vācyate) pfp. (vācya) faire dire | énoncer, lire [«faire parler un écrit»] — dés.(vivakṣati) demander la parole; vouloir dire || lat. vocare, vox; ang. voice; all. erwähnen; fr. voix.