====== upadana ====== ===== upādāna ===== //substantif// (neutre) : **attachement**, saisie, prise ; litt. carburant, approvisionnement (ce qui permet à un processus de durer) * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[upa|upa-]] + [[adana|ādāna]] * expression : //pañcupādānakkhandha//, les "cinq ensembles d'attachement" =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **upādāna** (nt.) [fr.upa + ā + dā] -- (lit.that (material) substratum by means of which an active process is kept alive or going),fuel,supply,provision; adj.(-°) supported by,drawing one’s existence from S.I,69; II 85 (aggikkhandho °assa pariyādānā by means of taking up fuel); V,284 (vāt°); J.III,342 sa-upādāna (adj.) provided with fuel S.IV,399; anupādāna without fuel DhA.II,163.‹-› 2.(appld.) “drawing upon”,grasping,holding on,grip,attachment; adj.(-°) finding one’s support by or in,clinging to,taking up,nourished by.See on term Dhs.trsln. 323 & Cpd.171.They are classified as 4 upādānāni or four Graspings viz.kām°,diṭṭh°,sīlabbat°,attavād° or the graspings arising from sense-desires,speculation,belief in rites,belief in the soul-theory D.II,58; III,230; M.I,51,66; S.II,3; V 59; Dhs.1213; Ps.I,129; II,46,47; Vbh.375; Nett 48; Vism.569.-- For upādāna in var.connections see the foll.passages:D.I,25; II,31,33,56; III,278; M.I,66,136 (attavād°) 266; S.II,14,17,30,85; III,10,13 sq.,101,135,167,191; IV,32,87 sq.,102 (tannissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ tadupādānaṁ),390,400 (= taṇhā); A.IV,69; V,111 (upāy°); Sn.170,358,546; Ps.I,51 sq.,193; II,45 sq,113; Vbh.18,30,67,79,119,132; Dhs.1059,1136,1213,1536 sq.; Nett 28 sq.,41 sq.,114 sq.; DhA.IV,194.-- sa° full of attachment (to life) M.I,65; Vin.III,111; S.IV,102; an° unattached,not showing attachment to existence S.IV,399; Vin.III,111; Th.1,840; Miln.32; DA.I,98.--kkhandha,usually as pañc’upādāna-kkhandhā the factors of the “fivefold clinging to existence” [cp.BSk.pañc’u°-skandhāḥ Av.Ś II.1681 & note] D.II,35,301 sq.; III,223,286; M.I,61,144,185; III,15,30,114,295; Ps.II,109 sq.; Vbh.101; Vism.505 (khandha-pañcaka).See for detail khandha II.B 2.--kkhaya extinction or disappearance of attachment S.II,54; A.III,376 sq.; Sn.475,743; It.75.--nidāna the ground of upādāna; adj.founded on or caused by attachment Ps.II,111; Vbh.135 sq.--nirodha destruction of “grasping” Vin.I,1 (in formula of paṭicca-samuppāda); S.II,7; III,14; A.I,177.--paccaya = °nidāna S.II,5; III 94; Sn.507,742. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **upādāna** [act. upādā] n. fait de s'approprier; acquisition | bd. l'attachement, 9e cause de souffrance [pratītyasamutpāda] | phil. [nyāya] cause matérielle (opp. nimitta, cause efficace) | soc. le prélude au don, un pañcopāsana selon Rāmānuja.