====== upa ====== ===== upa ===== //préposition// (fréquemment employée en particule de composition) : **près de**, vers, proche de ; **sur**, au-dessus de ; **sous**, en-dessous de ; jusqu'à =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **upa** -- [Vedic upa; Av. upa on, up; Gr. u(po/ under, u(pe/r over; Lat. sub fr. *(e)ks -- upo; Goth. uf under & on; Ohg. ūf = Ags. up = E. up; Oir. fo under. See also upari] prefix denoting nearness or close touch (cp. similarly ā), usually with the idea of approach from below or rest on top, on, upon, up, by. -- In compn. a upa is always contracted to upa, e. g. devūpaṭṭhāna, lokûpaga, puññûpatthambhita. -- Meanings: (1) (Rest): on upon, up -- : ˚kiṇṇa covered over; ˚jīvati live on (cp. anu˚); ˚tthambhita propped up, sup -- ported; ˚cita heaped up, ac -- cumulated; ˚dhāreti hold or take up; ˚nata bent on; ˚nissaya foundation; ˚nissita depending on etc. -- (2) (Aim): (out) up to (the speaker or hearer); cp. the meanings developed out of this as "higher, above" in upara, upari, upama = Lat. superus, supremus E. g. ˚kaḍḍhati drag on to; ˚kappati come to, accrue; ˚kappana ad -- ministering; ˚kāra service to; ˚kkhata administered; ˚gacchati go to, ap -- proach (cp. upâtigacchati); ˚disati ad -- vise; ˚dhāvati run up to: ˚nadati to sound out; ˚nikkhamati come out up to; ˚nisevita gone on to or after; ˚neti bring on to; etc. -- (3) (Nearness): close by, close to, near, "ad -- "; e. g. ˚kaṇṇaka close to the ear; ˚cāra ap -- plication; ˚ṭṭhāna at -- tending; ṭṭhita ap -- proached; ˚tiṭṭhati stand by, look after; ˚dduta urged; ˚nāmeti place close to; ˚nibandhati tie close to; ˚nisīdati sit close to or down by. -- (4) (Intensive use): quite, altogether, "up"; e. g. ˚antika quite near; ˚chindati cut up. -- (5) (Diminutive use as in Lat. subabsurdus; Gr. u(po/leukos whitish; Oir. fo -- dord; Cymr. go -- durdd murmur): nearly, about, somewhat, a little, secondary, by -- , miniature, made after the style of, e. g. ˚aḍḍha about half; ˚kacchaka like a little hollow; ˚kaṇḍakin (= ˚paṇḍukin? whitish); ˚deva a minor god; ˚nibha somewhat similar to; ˚nila bluish; upapurohita minor priest; uparajja viceroyalty; upalohitaka, uparopa; ˚vana a little forest. etc. Note. The nearest semantie affinity of upa is ā˚. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **upa** prép. près de, vers ; sous; dans ; opp. //apa// — pf. près, auprès, vers, proche, contigu; subordonné | pf. d'hommage | pf. de nom de cadet, junior || gr. //υπο//; lat. //sub//. //upo// [u] adv. (pragṛhya) et vers.