====== uda ====== ===== uda ===== **(1)** //particule// (invariable) : **ou** * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] **(2)** //substantif// (neutre) : **eau**, onde, vague * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * en composition : **//udan//**- ou **//uda//**- =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **(1) uda** (indecl.) [Sk.uta & u,with Lat.aut (or),Gr.au(_ti (again),au)taρ (but,or),Goth.auk = Ger.auch to pron.base ava° yonder,cp.ava II.] disjunctive part.“or”; either singly,as at Sn.455,955,1090; J.V,478 (v.l.udāhu); Nd1 445 (expld. as “padasandhi” with same formula as iti,q.v.); Pv.II,1216 (kāyena uda cetasā); or combd. with other synonymous particles,as uda vā at Sn.193,842,1075; It.82 = 117 (caraṁ vā yadi vā tiṭṭhaṁ nisinno uda vā sayaṁ walking or standing,sitting or lying down); KhA 191.-- See also udāhu.\\ \\ **(2) uda** (°-) [Vedic udan (nt.),also later uda (but only °-),commonly udaka,q.v.] water,wave.In cpds.sometimes the older form udan° is preserved (like udañjala,udaññavant),but generally it has been substituted by the later uda° (see under udakaccha,udakanti,udakumbha,udapatta,udapāna,udabindu). =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **uda** [und] n. eau. / **und** v. [7] pr. (unatti) pp. (unna, utta) mouiller, arroser; jaillir, couler; rendre humide, baigner || lat. //unda// ; slave //voda// ; ang. //water// ; all. //Wasser// ; fr. //onde//.