====== ud ====== ===== ud ===== //préposition// (invariable) : **vers le haut**, en haut, sur ; **en dehors de**, hors de, loin de, erroné ("hors de propos") * __commentaire__ : plus de la moitié des mots pālis commençant par "u" sont des combinaisons du préfixe "ud" ; le "d" disparaissant au profit du redoublement de la consonne initiale du substantif ou du verbe en composition : //ujjavati// = //ud// + //javati// ; //ucchindati// = //ud// + //chindati// ; //uttarati// = //ud// + //tarati// ; //uppajjati// = //ud// + //pajjati//... =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **ud** -- [Vedic ud -- ; Goth. ūt = Ohg. ūz = E. out, Oir. ud -- ; cp. Lat. ūsque "from -- unto" & Gr. u(/steros = Sk. uttara] prefix in verbal & nominal combn. One half of all the words beginning with u˚ are combns. with ud˚, which in compn. appears modified according to the rules of assimilation as prevailing in Pāli. -- I. Original meaning "out in an upward direction", out of, forth -- II. Hence develop 2 clearly defined meanings, viz. (1) out, out of, away from -- (2) up (high) or high up, upwards, on to -- III. More specialised meanings (from elliptical or figurative use) are: (1) ud˚ = without (2) ud˚ = off, i. e. out of the way, wrong -- (3) ud˚ = out of the ordinary, i. e. exceedingly -- IV. the most freq. combns. that ud˚ enters into are those with the intensifying prefixes abhi˚ and sam˚; see e. g. abhi + ud (= abbhud˚) + gacchati, ˚jalati; ˚ṭhāti; ˚namati etc.; sam + ud + eti; ˚kamati; ˚chindati; ˚tejeti; ˚pajjati etc. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **ut** var. //uc//, //uj//, //ud//, //un// pf. vers le haut, hors de ; échappant à, tendant à | supériorité sur ; cessation de || ang. //out// ; all. //aus//.