====== ucca ====== ===== ucca / uccā ===== //ajectif// : **haut**, élevé * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] //adverbe// (invariable) : **haut**, élevé =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **(1) ucca** (adj.) [For udya,adj.formation from prep.ud above,up] high (opp.avaca low) D.I,194; M.II,213; A.V,82 (°ṭhāniyaṁ nīce ṭhāne ṭhapeti puts on a low place which ought to be placed high); Pv IV.74 (uccaṁ paggayha lifting high up = uccataraṁ katvā PvA.265); Pug.52,58; DA.I,135; PvA.176. --âvaca high and low,various,manifold Vin.I,70,203; J.IV,115,363 (= mahaggha-samaggha C.p.366); Sn.703,714,792,959; Dh.83; Nd1 93,467; Vv 121 (= vividha VvA.60); 311.--kulīnatā high birth A.III,48 (cp.uccā°)\\ **(2) uccā** (°-) (adv.) [cp.Sk.uccā,Instr.sg.of uccaṁ,cp.paścā behind,as well as uccaiḥ Instr.pl.-- In BSk.we find ucca° (uccakulīna Av.Ś III,117) as well as uccaṃ (uccaṃgama Divy 476).It is in all cases restricted to cpds.] high (lit.& fig.),raised,in foll.cpds. --kaṇerukā a tall female elephant M.I,178.--kāḷārikā id.M.I,178 (v.l.°kaḷārikā to be preferred).--kula a high,noble family Pv III,116 (= uccā khattiya-kul-âdino PvA.176).--kulīnatā birth in a high-class family,high rank M.III,37; VvA.32.--sadda a loud noise D.I,143,178; A.III,30.--sayana a high bed (+ mahāsayana) Vin.I,192; D.I,5,7; cp.DA.I,78. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **ucca / uccā** a. m. n. f. uccā élevé, haut; aigu (son); intense — m. hauteur — i. pl. cf. uccais.