====== thapeti ====== ===== ṭhapeti ===== //verbe// : **placer**, mettre en place, fixer, arranger ; nommer (à une place) ; **mettre de côté**, conserver, économiser, mettre à l'écart * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : causatif du verbe [[titthati|tiṭṭhati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **ṭhapeti** [Caus. of tiṭṭhati] to place, set up, fix, arrange, establish; appoint to (c. loc.); to place aside, save, put by, leave out Vin ii.32 (pavāraṇaṃ), 191 (ucce & nīce ṭhāne to place high or low), 276 (pavāraṇaṃ); v.193 (uposathaṃ), 196 (give advice); D i.120 (leaving out, discarding); Dh 40 (cittaṃ ṭh. make firm) J i.62, 138, 223, 293 (except); ii.132 (puttaṭṭhāne ṭh. as daughter); J ii.159; vi.365 (putting by); VvA 63 (kasiṃ ṭhapetvā except ploughing); PvA 4, 20 (varaṃ ṭhapetvā denying a wish), 39, 114 (setting up); Miln 13 (ṭhapetvā setting aside, leaving till later). -- inf. **ṭhapetuṃ** Vin ii.194; PvA 73 (saṃharitvā ṭh. to fold up: cp. ṭhapita); grd. **ṭhapetabba** J ii.352 (rājaṭṭhāne); PvA 97; & **ṭhapaniya** (in pañha ṭh. a question to be left standing over, i. e. not to be asked) D iii.229. -- ger. **ṭhapetvā** (leaving out, setting aside, excepting) also used as prep. c. acc. (before or after the noun): with the omission of, besides, except D i.105 (ṭh. dve); J i.179 (maṃ but for me), 294 (tumhe ṭh.); ii.154 (ekaṃ vaddhaṃ ṭh.); iv.142 (ṭh. maṃ); VvA 100 (ṭh. ekaṃ itthiṃ); PvA 93 (ṭh. maṃ). Cp. BSk. sthāpayitvā "except" AvŚ ii.111. -- Caus. **ṭhapāpeti** to cause to be set up; to have erected, to put up J i.266; DhA ii.191.