====== tatra ====== ===== tatra ===== //adverbe// (invariable) : **dans ce cas**, en cela, **toutes sortes de**, **en cet endroit**, ici, là =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **tatra** (Sk.tatra)=tattha in all meanings & applications,viz.A.1.there :Dh.375; PvA.54.**tatrāpi** D.I,81= It.22≈(tatrāpāsiṃ).**tatra pi** D.I,1 (=DA.I,42).**tatra kho** Vin.I,10,34; A.V,5 sq.; 354 sq.(cp.**atha kho**).‹-› In explanations:PvA.19 (tatrâyaṁ vitthārakathā “here follows the story in detail”).-- 2.in this :Sn.595 (tatra kevalino smase); Dh.88 (tatr’abhirati:enjoyment in this).-- 3.a special application of tatra (perhaps in the same sense to be explained tattha A 3) is that as first part of a cpd.,where it is to be taken as generalizing (=tatra tatra): all kinds of (orig.in this & that),in whatever condition,all-round,complete (cp.yaṁ taṁ under ta° II.2,yena tena upāyena): **tatramajjhattatā** (complete) equanimity (keeping balance here & there) Vism.466 (cp.tatra-majjhatt’upekkhā 160); DhsA.132,133 (majjh°+tatra majjh°); Bdhd 157.**tatrûpāyaññū** (=tatra upāyaññū) having allround knowledge of the means and ways Sn.321 (correct reading at SnA 330); **tatrupāyāya** vīmaṁsāya samannāgatā endowed with genius in all kinds of means Vin.IV,211 (or may it be taken as “suitable,corresponding,proportionate”? cp.tadūpiya).-- B.**tatra tatra**,in t.-t.-abhinandinī (of taṇhā) finding its delight in this & that,here & there Vin.I,10; Ps.II,147; Nett 72; Vism.506. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== tatra [tad-tra] adv. [corrél. de yatra] ici, là; en cela, à cela | vers là — (en début de phrase) parmi ceux-ci, l'un d'eux.