====== satthar ====== ===== satthar ===== //substantif// (féminin) : **maître**, instructeur * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -ar]] * étymologie : skt. //śāstṛ// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **satthar** [Venic śāstṛ,n.ag.fr.śās] teacher,master.-- Nom.**satthā** D.I,49; Sn.179; Acc.**satthāraṃ** D.I,163; Sn.153,343; Instr.**satthārā** D.I,163; Instr.**satthunā** Mhvs 32,19; Gen.**satthu** D.I,110; It.79; Vin.I,12; Gen.**satthuno** D.II,128; Sn.547,573,Loc.**satthari** Dhs.1004; Nom.and Acc.pl.**satthāro** D.I,230; A.I,277; Miln.4; Gen.pl.**satthārānaṃ** J.I,509.-- See e.g.D.I,230; A.I,277; Vin.I,8; Th.2,387.-- The 6 teachers (as in detail at D.I,52--59 & var.places) are Pūraṇa Kassapa,Makkhali Gosāla,Nigaṇṭha Nāthaputta,Sañjaya Belaṭṭhiputta,Ajita-Kesakambalī.-- 5 teachers at Vin.II,186; A.III,123.-- 3 at D.I,230; A.I,277.‹-› The Master par excellence is the Buddha D.I,110; II,128; III,119 sq.; A.III,248; IV,120,460; Sn.153,545,955 (see exegesis in detail at Nd1 446=Nd2 630),1148; Vism.389,401,604.-- gaṇa-satthar leader of a company J.II,41,72; satthāra-dassana sight of the Master SnA 49; satthu-d-anvaya successor of the M.Sn.556. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **śāstṛ** [agt. śās] a. m. n. f. śāstrī qui punit, qui châtie, qui commande; qui instruit | maître, instituteur, gouverneur