====== santithati ====== ===== santiṭṭhati ===== //verbe// : **être/se tenir debout**, rester immobile, demeurer, continuer / **être établi**, fixé, (se) maintenir / **se restreindre** / attendre (+ acc.)\\ \\ * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : [[sam|saṃ]] + [[titthati|tiṭṭhati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **santiṭṭhati**[saṃ+tiṭṭhati] 1.to stand,stand still,remain,continue A.IV,101 (udakaṃ=stands still),282,302 sq.; Pug.31; J.I,26.-- 2.to be established,to be put into order Vin.II,11.-- 3.to stick to,to be fixed or settled,to be composed D.II,206; III,239 (citta); S.V,321; Vin.I,9,15; It.43.-- 4.to restrain oneself J.I,438.‹-› 5.to wait for (Acc.) DhA.I,50.-- Forms : pres.**santiṭṭhati** D.II,206; S.III,133; **saṇṭhahati** J.VI,160; & **saṇṭhāti** Pug.31; J.IV,469.ppr.**saṇṭhahanto** Vin.I,9; Pot.**saṇṭhaheyya** Vin.II,11; S.V,321.aor.**saṇṭhāsi** Vin.I,15; **saṇṭhahiṃsu** (3rd pl.) S.II,224.Inf.**saṇṭhātuṃ** J.I,438; DhA.I,50.-- pp.**saṇṭhita** -- Caus.II.**saṇṭhapeti** (& **saṇṭhāpeti**).