====== sannapeti ====== ===== saññapeti ===== //verbe// : **faire connaître**, enseigner ; **convaincre**, gagner, en remontrer à ; **apaiser**, calmer, concilier * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : causatif de [[sanjanati|sañjānāti]] * infinitif : **saññattuṃ** ou **saññapetuṃ** =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **saññāpeti** [Caus.of sañjānāti] 1.to make known,to teach J.I,344; Miln.45.-- 2.to remonstrate with,gain over,convince D.I,236; M.I,397; A.I,75; S.IV,313; Vin.I,10; II,197; Miln.316.-- 3.to appease,conciliate J.I,479; PvA.16.Also saññapeti J.I,26,etc.-- inf.**saññattuṃ** Sn.597.-- pp.**saññatta**.-- At J.I,408 read **saññāpāpetvā** (instead of saññaṁ pāpetvā),or simply **saññāpetvā**,like the parallel text at Ud.17.