====== sam ====== ===== saṃ- ===== //préfixe// (invariable) : **ensemble**, **avec**, en compagnie de, proche, (tout) contre * en composition : devant "//y//" : **saṃ**- ou **saññ**- ; devant "//r//" : **sā**- * __commentaire__ : après //vi//-, //saṃ//- est le préfixe le plus fréquent en pāli ; il sert souvent à intensifier le sens du verbe ou du nom qu'il complète ; dans le sens de "proche" ou "contre", il s'oppose à [[para|para-]] ; quand il s'oppose à [[abhi|abhi-]] ou à [[vi|vi-]], il est équivalent de [[pa|pa-]] auquel il est souvent combiné (//saṃpa//) =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **saṃ-** (indecl.) [prefix; Idg. *sem one; one & the same, cp. Gr. o(malo/s even, a(/ma at one, o(mo/s together; Sk. sama even, the same; samā in the same way; Av. hama same=Goth. sama, samap together; Lat. simul (=simultaneous), similis "re -- sembling." Also Sk. sa (=sa2) together=Gr. a( -- a) -- (e. g. a)/koitis); Av. ha -- ; and samyak towards one point=P. sammā. -- Analogously to Lat. //semel// "once," //simul//, we find sa- as numeral base for "one" in Vedic sakṛt "once"=P. sakid (& sakad), sahasra 1000=P. sahassa, and in adv. sadā "always," lit. "in one"] prefix, implying conjunction & completeness. //saṃ//- is after //vi//- (19%) the most frequent (16%) of all Pāli prefixes. Its primary meaning is "together" (cp. Lat. //con//-); hence arises that of a closer connection or a more accentuated action than that expressed by the simple verb (intensifying=thoroughly, quite), or noun. Very often merely pleonastic, esp. in combn with other prefixes (e. g. sam -- anu-, sam -- ā-, sam -- pa-). In meaning of "near by, together" it is opposed to //para//-; as modifying prefix it is contrary to //abhi//- and (more frequently) to //vi//- (e. g. //saṃvadati//> //vivadati//), whereas it often equals //pa//- (e. g. //pamodati//> //sammodati//), with which it is often combd as //sampa//-; and also //abhi//- (e. g. //abhivaḍḍhati//>//saṃvaḍḍhati//), with which often combd as //abhisaṃ//-. -- Bdhgh & Dhpāla explain //saṃ//- by //sammā// (SnA 151; KhA 209: so read for samā āgatā), //suṭṭhu// (see e. g. santasita, santusita), or //samantā// (=altogether; SnA 152, 154), or (dogmatically) //sakena santena samena// (KhA 240), or as "//saṃyoga//" Vism 495. -- In combn with y we find both **saṃy**- and **saññ**-. The usual conṭracted form before r is **sā**-. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **sam** pf. (intensif) complètement, totalement, parfaitement | avec; conformément à, en accord avec; ensemble, en commun | réciproquement || lat. //sem//. \\ \\ [relié à //sa// (avec, ayant, muni de, y compris) et //saha// (ensemble, à la fois, simultanément ; opp. //vinā// — prép. cl. avec, en compagnie de, accompagné de, pourvu de, y compris)]