====== ratha ====== ===== ratha ===== **(1)** //substantif// (masculin) : **char**, chariot, véhicule * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : skt. //ratha// **(2)** //substantif// (neutre) : **plaisir**, joie * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[ramati|ramati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **ratha (1)** [Vedic ratha,Av.rapa,Lat.rota wheel,rotundus (“rotund” & round),Oir.roth=Ohg rad wheel,Lith.rãtas id.] a two-wheeled carriage,chariot (for riding,driving or fighting S.I,33 (ethically); A.IV,191 (horse & cart; diff.parts of a ratha); M.I,396; Sn.300,654; Vism.593 (in its compn of akkha,cakka,pañjara,īsā etc.); J.III,239 (passaddha° carriage slowing up); Th.2,229 (caturassaṁ rathaṁ,i.e.a Vimāna); Mhvs 35,42 (goṇā rathe yuttā); VvA.78 (500),104,267 (=Vimāna),PvA.74.--assatarī° a chariot drawn by a she-mule Vv 208=438; Pv.I,111; J.VI,355.-- Phussa-ratha state carriage J.III,238; VI,30 sq.See under ph.-- On ratha in similes see J.P.T.S.1907,127.\\ --atthara (rathatthara) a rug for a chariot D.I,7; Vin.I,192; II,163.--anīka array of chariots Vin.IV,108.--īsā carriage pole A.IV,191.--ûpatthara chariot or carriage cover D.I,103; DA.I,273.--esabha (ratha+ ṛṣabha,Sk.rathārṣabha) lord of charioteers.Ratha here in meaning of “charioteer”; Childers sees rathin in this cpd.; Trenckner,Notes 59,suggests distortion from rathe śubha.Dhpāla at PvA.163 clearly under‹-› stands it as ratha-=charioteer explaining “rathesu usabha-sadiso mahā-ratho ti attho”; as does Bdhgh.at SnA 321 (on Sn.303):“mahā-rathesu khattiyesu akampiy’aṭṭhena usabha-sadiso.” -- Sn.303--308,552; Pv.II,131; Mhvs 5,246; 15,11; 29,12.--kāra carriagebuilder,chariot-maker,considered as a class of very low social standing,rebirth in which is a punishment (cp.Fick,Sociale Gliederung 56,207,209 sq.) S.I,93; Vin.IV,9 (as term of abuse,enumd with other low grades:caṇḍāla veṇa nesāda r.pukkusa),12 (°jāti); M.II,152,183 f.; as kārin at Pv III,113 (expld as cammakārin PvA.175).As Npl.name of one of the 7 Great Lakes in the Himālaya (Rathakāradaha),e.g.at Vism.416; SnA 407.--cakka wheel of a chariot or carriage Vism.238 (in simile,concerning its circumference); PvA.65.--pañjara the body (lit.“cage” or “frame”) of a carriage Vv 831 (=rath’ûpattha VvA.326); J.II,172; IV,60; DhA.I,28.--yuga a chariot yoke J.VI,42.--reṇu “chariot-dust,” a very minute quantity (as a measure),a mite.Childers compares Sk.trasareṇu a mote of dust,atom.It is said to consist of 36 tajjāri’s,and 36 ratha-reṇu’s are equal to one likkhā: VbhA.343.--vinīta “led by a chariot,” a chariot-drive (Neumann,“Eilpost”),name of the 24th Suttanta of Majjhima (M.I,145 sq.),quoted at Vism.93,671 and SnA 446.--sālā chariot shed DhA.III,121.\\ **ratha (2)** [fr.ram,cp.Sk.ratha] pleasure, joy, delight : see mano°. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **(1) ratha** [ṛ] m. chariot, char de guerre (à 2 roues), char de procession | véhicule en gén. | guerrier sur un char; héros, champion | char, pièce corr. à la tour aux échecs [caturaṅgā]; parfois plutôt appelée navire [naukā] || lat. rota; all. Rad.\\ **(2) rata** [pp. ram] a. m. n. f. ratā qui se réjouit, qui aime; réjoui, satisfait — ifc. amoureux de; qui a des rapports sexuels avec — n. plaisir; plaisir sexuel.