====== raja ====== ===== rājā / rājan ===== //substantif// (masculin) : **roi**, souverain * déclinaison : irrégulière ; selon trois thèmes différents : //rājān//, //rāju// et //raññ// ou //rājin// (voir ci-dessous) * étymologie : [[rajati|rājati]] == déclinaison == | ^singulier^pluriel^ ^nominatif|rājā|rājāno| ^vocatif|:::|:::| ^accusatif|rājānaṃ|:::| ^instrumental|rāññā / rājinā|rājūhi| ^ablatif|:::|:::| ^datif|rañño|raññaṃ| ^génitif|:::|:::| ^locatif|rājini|rājusu| =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== [extrait - voir la page complète sur le site [[http://palidictionary.appspot.com/browse/r/r%C4%81j%C4%81|Dictionnaire Pāḷi]]\\ **rājā**/**rājan** [cp.Vedic rājā,n-stem.To root *reg,as in Lat.rego (to lead,di-rect,cp.in meaning Gr.h(gemw/n):see etym.under uju.Cp.Oir.rī king,Gallic Catu-rīx battle king,Goth reiks=Ohg.rīhhi=rich or Ger.reich.Besides we have *reig in Ags.r&amacremacr;cean= reach; Ger.reichen.-- The Dhtp only knows of one root rāj in meaning “ditti” i.e.splendour] king,a ruling potentate.The defn at Vin.III,222 is “yo koci rajjaṁ kāreti.” The fanciful etym.at D.III,93= Vism.419 is “dhammena pare rañjetī ti rājā” i.e.he gladdens others with his righteousness.-- At the latter passage the origin of kingly government is given as the third stage in the constitution of a people,the 2 preceding being mahā-sammata (general consent) and khattiya (the land-aristocrats).-- Cases.We find 3 systems of cases for the original Sk.forms,viz.the contracted,the diæretic and (in the pl.) a new formation with --ū-. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **rājan** [rājat] m. roi, chef, dieu; kṣatriya, noble | soc. np. de Rājā, titre de Roi | le roi aux échecs [caturaṅgā]; syn. nṛpa — f. rājñī reine — m. rāja ifc. roi des — v. [11] pr. (rājīyati) souhaiter un roi | se comporter comme un roi. **rājat** [ppr. rāj_1] a. m. n. f. rājantī régnant.