====== puna ====== ===== puna ===== //adverbe// : **encore**, à nouveau * étymologie : skt. //punar// ; issu d'une racine indo-européenne //apo/////apu// contracté en //po/////pu// dont la signification oscille entre "après", "derrière" (cf. : lat. //puppis// ; fr. //poupe//, partie arrière d'un navire) et "à nouveau", "de retour" * commentaire : la forme **punar** apparaît parfois, essentiellement en poésie ou dans certains composés, devant voyelle ; une liaison (//sandhi//) plus fréquente est le redoublement de la consonne initiale du terme suivant ; cf. //punabbhava// (= //puna// + //bhava//) : "existence suivante" ou "existence à nouveau" ====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede==== **puna**(indecl.) [cp.Vedic punar,punaḥ,to base *pŭ (related to *apo:see apa),as in puccha tail,Lat.puppis,poop,Gr.pu/matos the last; orig.meaning “behind”] again.There are several forms of this adv.,but puna has to be considered as the orig.Pali form.The form puno is doubtful; if authentic,a Sanskritisation; only found at ThA.71 (Ap.v.38; v.l.puna) & 72 (Ap.v.41,v.l.puna).The sandhi r is preserved only in metre and in compn..That it is out of fashion even in metre is shown by a form punā where ā is the regular metrical lengthening instead of ar (J.III,437:na hi dāni punā atthi; v.l.puna).Besides this the r is apparent in the doubling of the first consonants of cpds.(punappunaṁ,punabbhava); it is quite lost in the enclitic form pana.-- We find r in punar āgami Sn.339; punar āgato J.I,403 (=puna āgato J.I,403 (=puna āgato,ra-kāro sandhivasena vutto C.); in cpds.:punar-abhiseka see J.P.T.S.1885,49; a-punar-āvattitā the fact of not turning back Miln.276 (cp.Prk.apuṇar-avatti Pischel,§ 343).Otherwise r stands on the same level as other sandhi (euphonic) consonants (like m.& d.,see below),as in puna-r-eva Dh.338; Pv.II,87; II,116.We have m in puna-m-upāgamuṁ Sn.306; puna by itself is rarely found,it is usually combd with other emphatic part,like eva and api.The meaning is “again,” but in enclitic function (puna still found Sn.677,876,otherwise pana); it represents “however,but,now” (cp.same relation in Ger.abermals:aber),similar to the development in Prk.puṇo vi & puṇar avi “again”:puna “now” (Pischel Gr.§ 342).-- puna by itself at SnA 597; PvA.3,45; Mhvs 14,12.doubled as **punappunaṃ** S.I,174; Th.1,531,532; Sn.728,1051; Dh.117,118,325,337; J.V,208; SnA 107; PvA.45,47; **punappuna** at DhA.II,75; as puna-d-eva at D.I,60,142; Pv.II,113 (v.l.); Vism.163; DhA.II,76; **puna-m-eva** Pv.II,113; **puna pi** once more J.I,279; PvA.67,74; **puna-p-pi** J.V,208.The phrase **puna c’aparaṃ** “and again something else” stands on the same level as the phrase aparo pi (apare pi),with which one may compare the parallel expressions puna-divase:aparadivase,all of which show the close relation between pi,puna,apara,but we never find para in these connections.Trenckner’s (& following him Oldenberg in Vin.and Hardy in A etc.) way of writing puna ca paraṁ (e.g.Miln.201,388,418 etc.) is to be corrected to puna c’aparaṁ,cp.punâpara Sn.1004; Cp III,61. **punāgamana** coming again,return S.I,22 (a°).**punāvāsa** rebirth S.I,200.**punadivase** on the following day J.I,278; PvA.19,38.**punanivattati** to turn back again S.I,177.**punabbhava** renewed existence,new birth D.II,15; S.I,133; It.62; S.IV,201 (āyati°); Sn.162,273,502,514,733; Nd2 s.v.; Nett 28,79 sq.; PvA.63,200; cp.**ponobhavika** ; **aponobhavika** no more rebirth S.I,174,208; Nd2 64; **punābhinibbatti** birth in a new existence M.I,294; S.II,65; A.I,223; Vin.III,3; PvA.35.**punavacana** repetition SnA 487.**punavāre** (Loc.) another time J.V,21. ====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)==== **punar** [**punaḥ**] adv. de nouveau | en retour ; en réponse, en revanche | pourtant, mais ; néanmoins.