====== patipada ====== ===== paṭipadā ===== //substantif// (féminin) : moyen d'atteindre un but ou une destination, **chemin**, moyen, **méthode**, mode de progression ; **pratique** * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -ā]] * étymologie : [[patipajjati|paṭipajjati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **paṭipadā** (f.) [fr.paṭi+pad] means of reaching a goal or destination,path,way,means,method,mode of progress (cp.Dhs.trsln 53,82,92,143),course,practice (cp.BSk.pratipad in meaning of pratipatti “line of conduct” AvŚ II.140 with note) D.I,54 (dvatti p.),249 (way to); S.II,81 (nirodhasāruppa-gāminī p.); IV,251 (bhaddikā),330 (majjhimā) V,304 (sabbattha-gāminī),361 (udaya-gāminī sotāpatti°),421; D.III,288 (ñāṇadassana-visuddhi°); A.I,113,168 (puñña°) II.76,79,152 (akkhamā); Vbh.99,104 sq.,211 sq.,229 sq.,331 sq.-- In pregnant sense The path (of the Buddha),leading to the destruction of all ill & to the bliss of Nibbāna (see specified under magga,ariyamagga,sacca),thus a quâsi synonym of magga with which freq.combd (e.g.D.I,156) Vin.I,10; D.I,157; III,219 (anuttariya); M.II,11; III,251,284; S.I,24 (daḷhā yāya dhīrā pamuccanti); A.I,295 sq.(āgālhā nijjhāmā majjhimā); Sn.714 (cp.SnA 497),921; Ps.II,147 (majjhimā); Nett 95 sq.; Pug.15,68; VvA.84 (°saṅkhāta ariyamagga).Specified in various ways as follows:āsava-nirodha-gāminī p.D.I,84; dukkha-nirodha-g°.D.I,84,189; III,136; S.V,426 sq.; A.I,177; Ps.I,86,119; Dhs.1057; lokanirodha-g° A.II,23; It.121; with the epithets sammā° anuloma° apaccanīka° anvattha° dhammânudhamma° Nd1 32,143,365; Nd2 384 etc.(see detail under sammā°).-- There are several groups of 4 paṭipadā mentioned,viz.(a) dukkhā dandhâbhiññā,sukhā & khippâbhiññā dandh° & khipp°,i.e.painful practice resulting in knowledge slowly acquired & quickly acquired,pleasant practice resulting in the same way D.III,106; A.II,149 sq.,154; V,63; SnA 497; (b) akkhamā,khamā,damā & samā p.i.e.want of endurance,endurance,self-control,equanimity. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **pratipad** [act. pratipad_1] f. entrée; accès | le bon chemin à suivre; la voie juste | début, commencement | lit. vers introductif | astr. premier jour [tithi] d'une quinzaine lunaire [pakṣa]; son régent est Agni; ce jour est favorable pour toute cérémonie, not. śuklapratipad | var. pratipadā id. | var. pratipadī id.