====== pati ====== ===== paṭi / pati ===== **(1)** //préposition// (invariable) : **contre**, tout contre, à l'encontre ; à propos de, en ce qui concerne ; en retour, envers, à nouveau *étymologie : skt. //prati// * __en composition__ : devient **pacc** devant voyelle (autre que "i") ; ex. //pacceka// = //paṭi// + //eka// **(2)** //substantif// (masculin) : **Seigneur**, maître, chef, propriétaire, époux *déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -i]] *étymologie : skt. //pati// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **(1) paṭi** (indecl.) [Ved,prati,to Idg.*preti as in Lat.pretium (fr.*pretios)” price” (cp.precious),i.e.equivalent; Gr.prέs (aeol.),proti/,prόs against] directional prefix in well-defined meaning of “back (to),against,towards,in opposition to,opposite.” As preposition (with Acc.and usually postponed) towards,near by,at ; usually spelt **pati** (cp.sampati & sampaṭika) Sn.291 (?),425 (Nerañjaram (pati); Th.1,628 (suriyass’uggamanam p.); 2,258 (abhiyobbanam p.),306 (Nerañjaram p.); J.I,457 (paṭi suriyaṁ thatvā standing facing the sun); IV,93; VI,491; Pv.II,941 (suriy’uggamanam p.); Miln.116 (dānam p.); PvA.154 (paṭi Gaṅgaṁ against the G.).-- Most freq.combns are : paṭi+ā (**patiyā**°),**patisaṁ**°; **vi+paṭi**°,**sampaṭi**°.The composition (assimilation-) form before vowels is **pacc**° (b.v.). [extraits :] Meanings.I.(lit.) “back,” in the sense of : (1) against,in opposition (opp.anu,see below III,),contrary : viz.(a) often with the implication of a hostile attack (anti-.against) -- (b) warding off,protecting against (counter-,anti-) -- (c) putting against,setting off in a comparison (counter-,rival) -- (d) close contact (against,be-) -- (2) in return,in exchange (in revenge) -- (3) (temporal) again,a second time (re-) -- (4) away from,back to (esp.in compn paṭivi°) -- II.(applied,in reflexive sense):(1) to,on to,up to,towards,at- (2) together (con-,com-),esp.combd with °saṁ° -- (3) asunder,apart (“up”) (4) secondary,complementary,by-,sham (developed out of meaning I.1 c.) -- III,The opposite of pati in directional meaning is anu,with which it is freq.combd either (a) in neg.contrast or (b) in positive emphasis -- Note.The spelling pati for paṭi occurs frequently without discrimination ; it is established in the combn with sthā (as **patiṭṭhāti**,**patiṭṭhita** etc.).All cases are enumd under the respective form of paṭi°,with the exception of patiṭṭh° (lire le texte complet à la page : [[http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.2:1:1009.pali]]) **(2) pati** [Ved.pati,Av.paitis lord,husband; Gr.pόsis husband,Lat.potis,potens,possum,hos-pes; Goth.brūp-faps bridegroom,hunda faps centurion,Lith.pāts husband] lord,master,owner,leader.-- 1.in general D.III,93 (khettānaṁ p.gloss adhipati).Mostly --°; see under gavam°,gaha°,dāna°,yūtha°,senā°.-- 2.husband S.I,210; Sn.314; J.III,138; PvA.161.See also sapatika (with her husband),patibbatā & patika. --kula her husband’s clan ThA.283; VvA.206; --devatā a devoted wife J.III,406; VvA.128. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **(1) prati** prép. : en sens inverse, en opposition, en retour ; contre | vers, en face de, vis-à-vis de | respectivement à, en ce qui concerne ; selon — pf. distributif, de répétition — ifc. vers ; à propos de, en ce qui concerne ; contre | petite quantité de || gr. //προτι//. **(2) pati** [pā_2] m. mari; syn. bhartṛ — ifc. maître, seigneur de || lat. //potis// ; gr. //ποσις//.