====== passati ====== ===== passati ===== //verbe// : **voir**, regarder * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * commentaire : ce thème //pas// est une variante du thème //dass-dakkh// => [[dassati|dassati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **passati** [Vedic paśyati & *spaśati (aor.aspaṣṭa,Caus.spāśayati etc.); cp.Av.spasyeiti,Gr.skέptomai,(E.“scepsis”); Lat.species etc.; Ohg.spehon=Ger.spāhen (E.spy).-- The paradigm pass°,which in literary Sk.is restricted to the pres.stem (paś) interchanges with the paradigm dakkh° & dass° (dṛś):see dassati1] 1.to see -- Pres.passati Vin.I,322; S.I,69,132,198; II,29; Sn.313,647,953,1063,1142 (cp.Nd2 428); Pv.I,23; Miln.218; PvA.11,102; 1st pl.**passāma** Sn.76,153,164; Pv.I,101 (as future); imper.sg.**passa** Sn.435,580,588,756; J.I,223; II,159; Pv.II,116,119; PvA.38; pl.**passatha** S.II,25; Sn.176 sq.,777,& **passavho **(cp.Sk.paśyadhvaṁ) Sn.998.-- ppr.**passaṃ** (see Geiger,P.Gr.972) M.II,9; Sn.739,837,909; & **passanto** J.III,52; PvA.5,6; f.**passantī** S.I,199.-- grd.**passitabba** J.IV,390 (a°).-- fut.**passissati** Pv.II,46; PvA.6.-- aor.**passi** J.II,103,111; III,278,341.-- 2.to recognise,realise,know:only in combn with jānāti (pres.jānāti passati; ppr.jānaṁ passaṁ):see jānāti 11.-- 3.to find Sn.1118 (=vindati paṭilabhati Nd2 428b); J.III,55; Pv.II,99.-- Cp.vi°. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **paś** [relié à dṛś_1] v. [4] pr. (paśyati) pr. md. (paśyate) ppr. (paśyat) pf. (ut, pra, vi, sam) voir; visiter; regarder; être spectateur | considérer comme <2 acc.> || lat. conspicio; all. spähen; ang. spy; fr. espion.