====== nava ====== ===== nava ===== * **(1)** //adjectif// numéral : **neuf** *déclinaison : | ^pluriel^ ^nominatif|cha| ^accusatif|:::| ^instrumental|chahi, chambhī| ^ablatif|:::| ^datif|channaṁ| ^génitif|:::| ^locatif|chasu, chassu| * **(2)** //adjectif// : **neuf**, **nouveau**, récent, jeune * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== * **(1) nava** (num.) [Ved. navan, Idg. *neṷn̊, cp. Lat. novem (*noven), Gr. e)nne/a, Goth. niun, Oir. nōin, E. nine. Connection with nava2 likely because in counting by tetrads (octo=8 is a dual!) a new series begins with No. 9] number nine. gen. -- dat. navannaŋ (Sn p. 87); instr. -- abl. navahi (VvA 76), loc. navasu. Meaning and Application: The primitive -- Aryan importance of the "mystic" nine is not found in Buddhism and can only be traced in Pali in folkloristic undercurrents (as fairy tales) & stereotype traditions in which 9 appears as a number implying a higher trinity=32. 1. navabhūmaka pāsāda (a palace 9 stories high more freq. satta˚, 7) J i.58; nava -- hiraññakoṭīhi (w. 9 koṭis of gold) VvA 188; nava yojana DhA ii.65. -- 2. navangabuddhasāsana "the 9 fold teaching of Buddha," i. e. the 9 divisions of the Buddh. Scriptures according to their form or style, viz. suttaŋ geyyaŋ veyyākaraṇaŋ gāthā udānaŋ itivuttakaŋ jātakaŋ abbhutadhammaŋ vedallaŋ M i.133; A ii.103, 178; iii.86 sq., 177 sq.; Pug 43; Miln 344; Dpvs iv.15; PvA 2. Cp. chaḷanga. -- nava sattāvāsā "9 abodes of beings" Kh iv. (in exemplifying No. 9), viz. (see D iii.263=KhA 86, 87 cp. also A iv.39 sq.) (1) manussā, devā, vinipātikā; (2) Brahmakāyikā devā; (3) Ābhassarā; (4) Subhakiṇhā; (5) Asaññasattā; (6) Ākāsanañcâyatana -- upagā; (7) Viññāṇanañcâyatana˚; (8) Ākiñcaññāyatana˚; (9) Nevasaññâsaññâyatana˚. -- nava sotā (Sn 197) or nava dvārā (VvA 76; v. l. mukhā) 9 openings of the body, viz. (SnA 248) 2 eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, anus & urethra (cp. S.B.E. 39, 180; 40, 259 sq.). -- nava vitakkā 9 thoughts Nd2 269 (q. v.). -- 3. a trace of the week of 9 days is to be found in the expression "navuti -- vassasatasahass -- āyukā" giving the age of a divinity as 9 million years (=a divine week) VvA 345. -- Cp. navuti. * **(2) nava** (adj.) [Ved.nava,Idg.*neǔ n̊ (cp.nava1)=Lat.novus,Gr.nέos (*nέvos),Lith.navas; Goth.niujis etc.=E.new; also Sk.navya=Gr.neίos,Lat.Novius.May be related to na3] 1.new,fresh; unsoiled,clean; of late,lately acquired or practised (opp.pubba & purāṇa).Often syn.with taruṇa.Sn.28,235 (opp.purāṇaṁ),944 (id.),913 (opp.pubba); Pv.I,92 (of clothes=costly); J.IV,201 (opp.purāṇa); Miln.132 (salila fresh water).-- 2.young,unexperienced,newly initiated; a novice Vin.I,47 (navā bhikkhū the younger bhs.,opp.therā); S.I,9 (+acira-pabbajita); II,218; Sn.p.93 (Gotamo navo pabbajjāya “a novice in the Wanderer’s life”); DhA.I,92 (bhikkhu). --kamma building new,making repairs,“doing up,” mending Vin.II,119,159; III,81; J.I,92; IV,378; Nd2 385; --kammika an expert in making repairs or in building,a builder (cp.vaḍḍhaki) Vin.II,15; IV,211; --ghata fresh ghee J.II,433 (v.l.°sappi). =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== * **(1) navan** num. * le nombre neuf || lat. novem; ang. nine; fr. neuf. * **(2) nava** a. m. n. f. navā neuf, nouveau, récent, frais, jeune | frais, non cuit (not. pot de terre) || gr. νεος; lat. novus; ang. new; all. neu; fr. neuf, nouveau.