====== nana ====== ===== ñāṇa ===== //substantif// (neutre) : **connaissance**, intelligence, perspicacité, conviction, reconnaissance * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[janati|jānāti]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **ñāṇa** (nt.) [from jānāti.See also jānana.*genē,as in Gr.gnώ--sis (cp.gnostic),gnw/mh; Lat.(co)gnitio; Goth.kunpi; Ogh.kunst; E.knowledge] knowledge,intelligence,insight,conviction,recognition,opp.añāṇa & avijjā,lack of k.or ignorance.-- 1.Ñāṇa in the theory of cognition:it occurs in intensive couple-compounds with terms of sight as cakkhu (eye) & dassana (sight,view),e.g.in cakkhu-karaṇa ñāṇa-karaṇa “opening our eyes & thus producing knowledge” i.e.giving us the eye of knowledge (a mental eye)[…] -- 2.Scope and character of ñāṇa:ñ.as faculty of understanding is included in paññā (cp.wisdom=perfected knowledge).The latter signifies the spiritual wisdom which embraces the fundamental truths of morality & conviction (such as aniccaṃ anattā dukkhaṃ:Miln.42); whereas ñ.is relative to common experience (see Nd2 2353 under cakkhumā,& on rel.of p.& ñ.Ps.I,59 sq.; 118 sq.; II,189 sq.).-- Perception (saññā) is necessary to the forming of ñāṇa,it precedes it (D.I,185); as sure knowledge ñ.is preferable to saddhā (S.IV,298)\\ \\ voir la page complète en : [[http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.1:1:1866.pali]] =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== ===== nānā ===== //adverbe// (invariable) : littéralement //ainsi, ainsi// ou //comme ci comme ça// ; **diversement**, différemment * étymologie : skt. //nānā// ; voir [[na|na (1)]] * commentaire : le plus souvent en composition, devant un adjectif ou un substantif. Devant consonne double le //ā// final est réduit en //a// : //nānagga// = //nānā//+//agga// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **nānā** (adv.) [Ved.nānā,a redupl.nā (emphatic particle,see na1) “so and so,” i.e.various,of all kinds] variously,differently.1.(abs.) A.I,138 (on different sides,viz.right ; left); Sn.878 (=na ekaṁ SnA 554;=vividhaṁ aññoññaṁ puthu na ekaṁ Nd1 285),884 sq.-- 2.more frequently in cpds.,as first part of adj.or n.where it may be trsld as “different,divers,all kinds of” etc.Before a double cons.the final ā is shortened:nānagga (for nānā+agga),nānappakāra etc.see below. --agga (-rasa) all the choicest delicacies J.I,266 (°bhojana,of food); VI,366; PvA.155 (°dibbabhojana); --âdhimuttikatā diversity of dispositions DA.I,44; Nett 98; --āvudhā (pl.) various weapons J.I,150; --karaṇa difference,diversity Vin.I,339 (saṅgha°); M.II,128; cp.Divy 222; --gotta of all kinds of descent Pv.II,916; --citta of varying mind J.I,295 (itthiyo); --jana all kinds of folk Sn.1102; Nd1 308 (puthu°); --titthiya of var.sects D.III,16 sq.; --pakkāra various,manifold J.I,52 (sakuṇā),127,278 (phalāni); DAI.148 (āvudhā); PvA.50,123,135; --ratta multi-coloured Sn.287; J.VI,230; --rasā (pl.) all kinds of dainties Pv.II,911; --vāda difference of opinion D.I,236; --vidha divers,various,motley PvA.53,96,113,and passim; --saṁvāsaka living in a different part,or living apart Vin.I,134 sq.(opp.samāna°),321; II,162. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **nānā** adv. diversement | séparément, distinctement — iic. varié, divers, de toutes sortes.