====== miccha ====== ===== micchā ===== //adverbe// (invariable) : **de travers** ; **à tort**, faussement, **mal**, de façon exclusive et excluante * étymologie : skt. //mithyā// * commentaire : la racine sanskrite //mith// a le sens originel de rencontre, appariement ; mais, en dérivation, de confrontation, affrontement, altercation. Le terme //micchā//, en bouddhisme, privilégie l'idée d'une distinction excluante et exclusive d'un élément au détriment d'un autre ; il s'oppose ainsi à //[[samma|sammā]]// qui, sur la base du préfixe //[[sam|saṃ]]//, privilégie, au contraire, le rassemblement et la non-exclusion. ===Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede=== **micchā** (adv.) [Sk.mithyā,cp.Vedic mithaḥ interchanging, separate, opposite, contrary (opp.sa’yak together:see samma) ; mithū wrongly ; see also mithu] wrongly, in a wrong way, wrong-, false Sn.438 (laddho yaso),815 (paṭipajjati leads a wrong course of life, almost syn. with anariyaṃ. Illustrated by “pāṇaṃ hanati, adinnaṃ ādiyati, sandhiṃ chindati, nillopaṃ harati, ekāgārikaṃ karoti, paripanthe tiṭṭhati, paradāraṃ gacchati, musā bhaṇati” at Nd1 144); VbhA.513 (°ñāṇa,°vimutti).-- micchā° often in same combns as sammā°, with which contrasted, e.g.with the 8 parts of (an-) ariya-magga, viz.°diṭṭhi (wrong) views (D.III,52,70 sq.,76,111,246,269,287,290,Dh.167,316 sq.; Pug.39; Vism.469 (def.) PvA.27,42,54,67; cp.°ka one who holds wrong views D.III,45,48,264; Vism.426); °saṅkappa aspiration (D.III,254,287,290 sq.,Dh.11); °vācā speech (ibid.); °kammanta conduct (ibid.); °ājīva living (D.III,176 sq.,254,290; A.II,53,240,270,IV.82); °vāyāma effort (D.III,254,287,290 sq.); °sati mindfulness (ibid.); °samādhi concentration (ibid.); see magga 2,and cp.the following : --gahaṇa wrong conception,mistake J.III,304. --cāra wrong behaviour Pug.39 (& adj.cārin); VbhA.383 (var.degrees). --paṭipadā wrong path (of life) Pug.49 (& adj.:°paṭipanna,living wrongly). --paṇihita (citta) wrongly directed mind Dh.42=Ud.39 [cp.BSk.mithyāpraṇidhāna Divy 14]. --patha wrong road,wrong course Vbh.145 (lit.& fig.; in exegesis of diṭṭhi,cp.Nd2 taṇhā III,; Dhs.381; DhsA.253). ===Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)=== **mithyā** [mith-yā] adv. à l'envers, de travers; à tort, faussement, mal | en apparence, de manière illusoire | en vain, inutilement, stérilement — iic. faux; faussement