====== mannati ====== ===== maññati ===== //verbe// : **penser**, avoir comme opinion, imaginer ; **considérer** ; **être convaincu**, être sûr, connaître ; **être fier de**, être vaniteux * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. //man// ; gr. //μεμονα// ; lat. //moneo// ; all. //meinen// ; ang. //to mean//. ===Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede=== **maññati** [man, Vedic manyate & manute, Av. mainyeite; Idg. *men, cp. Gr. me/nos mood, anger=Sk. manah mind; me/mona to think of, wish to, Lat. memini to think of, mens>mind, meneo; Goth. munan to think, muns opinion; Oisl. man, Ags. mon; Ohg. minna love, Ags, myne intention. Dhtp 427:man=ñāṇe, 524= bodhane] 1. to think, to be of opinion, to imagine, to deem Sn 199 (sīsaṃ . . . subhato naṃ maññati bālo), 588 (yena yena hi maññanti, tato taṃ hoti aññathā); J ii.258 (maññāmi ciraṃ carissati: I imagine he will have to wander a long time). -- With (double) acc.: to take for, to consider as; na taṃ maññāmi mānusiṃ I deem you are not human Pv ii.41; yassa dāni kālaṃ maññati for this now may he think it time (in a phrase of departure), let him do what he thinks fit, we wait the Buddha's pleasure, i. e. let it be time to go [so also BSk. manyate kālaṃ, e. g. Divy 50, 64 etc.] D i.189. <-> Esp. in phrase taṃ kiṃ maññasi (maññatha 2. pl.) what do you think of this? (the foll.), what is your opinion about this? D i.60; S iii.104 & passim. -- Pot. 1st sg. **maññeyyaṃ** I should think PvA 40; 3rd sg. **maññeyya** S iii.103, and **maññe** Sn 206. The short form 1st sg. maññe is used like an adv. as affirmative particle & is inserted without influencing the grammatical or syntactical construction of the sentence; meaning: methinks, for certain, surely, indeed, I guess, presumably. E. g. Di.137 (patapati m. paccatthike yasasā); S i.181 (m. 'haṃ); iv.289 (paveliyamānena m. kāyena); J ii.275; Miln 21; Vism 90, 92 (mato me m. putto); DhA i.107;ii.51; PvA 40 (m. goṇo samuṭṭhahe), 65 (tasmā m. sumuttā). -- na maññe surely not DhA ii.84; PvA 75 (n. m. puññavā rājā). -- 2. to know, to be convinced, to be sure Sn 840 (=jānāti Nd1 192), 1049, 1142; Nd2 491 (=jānāti); DhA i.29 (maññāmi tuvaṃ marissasi). -- 3. to imagine, to be proud (of), to be conceited, to boast Sn 382 (ppr. maññamāna), 806, 813, 855 (maññate); J iii.530 (aor. maññi 'haṃ, perhaps maññe 'haṃ? C. explns by maññāmi). -- pp. mata. -- Note.Another Present form is munāti (q. v.), of which the pp. is muta. ===Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)=== **man** v. [4] pr. (manyati) pr. md. (manyate) impft. md. (amanyata) v. [8] pr. md. (manute) pft. md. (mene) pp. (mata) pfp. (mantavya, manya) abs. (matvā, -matya) pf. (anu, apa, abhi, ava, pra, vi, sam) penser, réfléchir, juger | savoir; croire, s'imaginer, supposer | considérer comme, tenir pour <2 acc.> | considérer, estimer, faire cas de | penser peu de — ps. (manyate) pp. (māna) estimer hautement, apprécier, honorer — ca. (mānayati) honorer, respecter — dés. md. (mīmāṃsate) réfléchir, vouloir comprendre || === conjugaison === ==présent== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.| maññati | maññanti | ^2e pers.| maññasi | maññatha | ^1ère pers.| maññāmi | maññāma | ==impératif== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.| maññatu | maññantu | ^2e pers.| maññāhi | maññatha | ^1ère pers.| maññāmi | maññāma | ==optatif== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.| maññeyya, maññe | maññeyyuṃ | ^2e pers.| maññeyyāsi | maññeyyātha | ^1ère pers.| maññeyyaṃ, maññeyyāmi | maññeyyāma | ==futur== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.| maññissati | maññissanti | ^2e pers.| maññissasi | maññissatha | ^1ère pers.| maññissāmi | maññissāma | ==conditionnel== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.| maññissa, maññissā | maññissaṃsu | ^2e pers.| maññissa | maññissatha | ^1ère pers.| maññissaṃ | maññissāma |