====== ma ====== ===== ma ===== //substantif// (?) : la lettre ou le son "**m**" * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **ma** (-kāra) the letter or sound m J.III,273 (sandhi-vasena vutta put in for the sake of euphony); V,375 (ma-kāro sandhikaro); KhA 155,224; SnA 181,383,404. ===== mā ===== //particule// (invariable) de négation prohibitive (avec un verbe signifiant l'ordre ou l'interdiction) : **non**, **ne ... pas**, afin que ... ne ... pas =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **mā** (indecl.) [cp.Vedic mā,Gr.mή] prohibition particle:not,do not,let us hope not,I wish that ...not [cp.Lat.utinam & ne].Constructed with various tenses,e.g.1.with aor.(prohibitive tense):mā evaṁ akattha do not thus DhA.I,7; mā abhaṇi speak not Pv.I,33; mā cintayittha do not worry DhA.I,12; mā parihāyi I hope he will not go short (or be deprived) of ...M.I,444; mā bhāyi fear not J.II,159; mā mariṁsu I hope they will not die J.III,55; mā (te) rucci may it not please (you),i.e.please do not Vin.II,198; mā evaṁ ruccittha id.DhA.I,13.-- 2.with imper.:mā gaccha J.I,152; mā detha J.III,275.mā ghāta do not kill:see māghāta.-- 3.with pot.:mā anuyuñjetha Dh.27; mā bhuñjetha let him not eat Mhvs 25,113; mā vadetha J.VI,364.‹-› 4.with indic.pres.:mā paṭilabhati A.V,194.-- A peculiar use is found in phrase ānemi mā ānemi shall I bring it or not? J.VI,334.-- 5.mā=na (simple negation) in māsakkhimhā we could not Vin.III,23. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **mā** part. de négation prohibitive (av. inj. ou imp. ou opt. ou subj.) non, ne ... pas, afin que ... ne ... pas (qqf. suivie de sma) | (av. ppr.) profération, injure || gr. μη; lat. ne.