====== loka ====== ===== loka ===== //substantif// (masculin) : **monde** (visible) ; **univers**, plan d'existence ; humanité, êtres vivants * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[rocati|rocati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **loka** [cp.Vedic loka in its oldest meaning “space,open space.” For etym.see rocati.To the etym.feeling of the Pāli hearer loka is closely related in quality to ruppati (as in pop.etym.of rūpa) and rujati.As regards the latter the etym.runs “lujjati kho loko ti vuccati” S.IV,52,cp.Nd2 550,and loka=lujjana DhsA.47,308:see lujjana.The Dhtp 531 gives root lok (loc) in sense of dassana] world,primarily “visible world,” then in general as “space or sphere of creation,” with var.degrees of substantiality.Often (unspecified) in the comprehensive sense of “universe.” Sometimes the term is applied collectively to the creatures inhabiting this or var.other worlds,thus,“man,mankind,people,beings.” -- Loka is not a fixed & def.term.It comprises immateriality as well as materiality and emphasizes either one or the other meaning according to the view applied to the object or category in question.Thus a trsln of “sphere,plane,division,order” interchanges with “world.” Whenever the spatial element prevails we speak of its “regional” meaning as contrasted with “applied” meaning.The fundamental notion however is that of substantiality,to which is closely related the specific Buddhist notion of impermanence (loka=lujjati).\\ Voir la suite à la page [[http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.3:1:824.pali]] =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **lok** [relié à ruc_1] v. [1] pr. md. (lokate) v. [10] pr. (lokayati) pp. (lokita) abs. (-lokya) pf. (ava, ā, vi) voir, regarder, considérer, reconnaître || ang. to look\\