====== kalyana ====== ===== kalyāṇa / kallāṇa ===== //adjectif// (féminin) : **beau**, charmant ; **propice**, utile, "méritoire"\\ //substantif// (neutre) : **bonté**, gentillesse ; "mérite", vertu * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[kalya|kalya / kalla]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **kalyāṇa** (& kallāṇa) [Vedic kalyāṇa] \\ 1.(adj.) beautiful,charming; auspicious,helpful,morally good.Syn.bhaddaka PvA.9,116) and kusala (S.II,118; PvA.9,122); opp.pāpa (S.I,83; M.I,43; PvA.101,116 and under °mitta).kata°=katûpakāra PvA.116 Appld to dhamma in phrase ādi° majjhe° pariyosāne° D.I,62 and ≈; S.V,152; Sn.p.103; VvA.87; Vism.213 sq.(in var.applications); etc.-- As m.one who observes the sīlapadaṃ (opp.pāpa,who violates it) A.II,222,cp.k°-mittā=sīlâdīhi adhikā SnA 341.-- S.IV,303; V,2,29,78; A.III,77; IV,361; Vin.II,8,95; J.I,4; Miln.297; --kata° (opp.kata-pāpa) of good,virtuous character,in phrase k° katakusala,etc.It.25,etc.(see kata II.1 a).k° of kitti (-sadda) D.I,49 (=DA.I,146 seṭṭha); S.IV,374; V,352; of jhāna (tividha°) Bdhd 96,98,99; of mittā,friends in general (see also cpd.) Dh.78 (na bhaje pāpake mitte ...bhajetha m° kalyāṇe),116,375 (=suddhâjīvin); Sn.338.-- \\ 2.(nt.) (a) a good or useful thing,good things Vin.I,117; A.III,109; cp.bhadraṃ.‹-› (b) goodness,virtue,merit,meritorious action J.V,49 (kalyāṇā here nt.Nom.in sense of pl.; cp.Vedic nt.),492; -- °ṃ karoti to perform good deeds S.I,72; A.I,138 sq.; Vin.I,73; PvA.122.-- (c) kindness,good service J.I,378; III,12 (=upakāra),68 (°ṃ karoti).‹-› (d) beauty,attraction,perfection; enumd as 5 kalyāṇāni, viz.kesa°, maṃsa°, aṭṭhi°, chavi°, vaya° i.e. beauty of hair, flesh, teeth, skin, youth J.I,394 ; DhA.I,387.\\ Lire la suite à la page : [[http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.1:1:395.pali]] =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **kalyāṇa** [kalya-ana] a. m. n. f. kalyāṇī beau, excellent, heureux, noble — voc. adr. terme de politesse pour une personne (présente ou absente) — n. heureux évènement; bonne fortune, bonheur, prospérité | bien, vertu (opp. pāpa); avantage, salut