====== jata ====== ===== jāta ===== //adjectif// (féminin) : **né**, apparu, produit ; **naturel**, vrai, authentique\\ //substantif// (neutre) : **ce(lui) qui est né**, être vivant ; espèce, colelction * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : participe passé de [[janati|janati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **jāta** [pp.of janati (janeti),cp.Lat.(g)nātus,Goth.kunds; also Gr.(kasi/--) gnhtόs,Ohg.knabo] 1.As adj.-noun:(a) born,grown,arisen,produced (=nibbatta pātubhūta Nd2 256) Sn.576 (jātānaṁ maccānaṁ niccaṁ maraṇato bhayaṁ); jātena maccena kattabbaṁ kusalaṁ bahuṁ Dh.53=Miln.333; yakkhinī jātâsi (born a G.) J.VI,337; rukkho j.J.I,222; latā jātā Dh.340; gāmanissandhena jātāni sūpeyya-paṇṇāni Vism.250.-- (n.) he who or that which is born:jātassa maraṇaṁ hoti Sn.742; jātassa jarā paññāyissati J.I,59; jātaṁ+bhūtaṁ (opp.ajātaṁ abhūtaṁ) It.37.-- (b) “genuine,” i.e.natural,true,good,sound (cp.kata,bhūta,taccha & opp.ajāta like akata,abhūta):see cpds.-- 2.As predicate,often in sense of a finite verb (cp.gata):born,grown (or was born,grew); become; occurred,happened Sn.683 (Bodhisatto hitasukhatāya jāto); bhayaṁ jātaṁ (arose) Sn.207; vivādā jātā Sn.828; ekadivase j.(were born on the same day) J.III,391; aphāsukaṁ jātaṁ (has occurred J.I,291.-- So in Loc.abs.jāte (jātamhi) “when ...has arisen,when there is ...,” e.g.atthamhi Vin.I,350=M.III,154=Dh.331; vādamhi Sn.832; oghe Sn.1092; kahāpaṇesu jātesu J.I,121.-- 3.°jāta (nt.) characteristic; pada° pedal character S.I,86; aṅga° the sexual organ Vin.I,191; as adj.having become ...(=bhūta); being like or behaving as,of the kind of...,sometimes to be rendered by an adj.or a pp.implied in the noun:cuṇṇakajātāni aṭṭhikāni (=cuṇṇayitāni) M.III,92; jālakajāta in bud A.IV,117; chandajāta=chandika Sn.767; sujāta Sn.548 (well-born,i.e.auspicious,blessed,happy); pītisomanassa° joyful & glad Sn.p.94; J.I,60,etc.; gandhajāta a kind of perfume (see gandha).Often untranslatable:lābhappatto jāto J.III,126; vināsa-ppaccayo jāto J.I,256.-- 4.a Jātaka or Buddhist birth story DhA.I,34.--āmaṇḍa the (wild) castor oil plant VvA.10; --ovaraka the inner chamber where he was born VvA.158; J.I,391 (so read for jāto varake).--kamma the (soothsaying) ceremony connected w.birth,in °ṁ karoti to set the horoscope PvA.198 (=nakkhatta-yogaṁ uggaṇhāti); --divasa the day of birth,birthday J.III,391; IV,38; --maṅgala birth festival,i.e.the feast held on the birth of a child DhA.II,86; --rūpa “sterling,” pure metal,i.e.gold (in its natural state,before worked,cp.jambonada).In its relation to suvaṇṇa (worked gold) it is stated to be suvaṇṇavaṇṇo (i.e.the brightcoloured metal:VvA.9; DhA.IV,32:suvaṇṇo jātarūpo); at DA.I,78 it is expld by suvaṇṇa only & at Vin.III,238 it is said to be the colour of the Buddha:j.Satthu-vaṇṇa.At A.I,253 it is represented as the material for the suvaṇṇakāra (the “white”--smith as opp.to “black”--smith).-- Combd w.hirañña Pv.II,75; very freq.w.rajata (silver),in the prohibition of accepting gold & silver (D.I,5)≈ as well as in other connections,e.g.Vin.I,245; II,294 sq.; S.I,71,95; IV,326 (the moral dangers of “money”:yassa jātarūpa-rajataṁ kappati pañca pi tassa kāmaguṇā kappanti); V,353,407; Dhs.617.-- Other passages illustr.the use & valuation of j.are S.II,234 (°paripūra); V,92 (upakkilesā); A.I,210 (id.); III,16 (id.); -- S.I,93,117; M.I,38; A.I,215; III,38; IV,199,281; V,290; J.II,296; IV,102; --veda [cp.Vedic jātaveda=Agni] fire S.I,168; Sn.462 (kaṭṭhā jāyati j.) Ud.93; J.I,214; II,326= IV.471; V,326; VI,204,578; Vism.171; DA.I,226; DhA.I,44 (nirindhana,without fuel); --ssara a natural pond or lake Vin.I,111; J.I,470; II,57. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **jāta** [pp. jan] a. m. n. f. jātā né, produit, engendré; arrivé, paru; devenu | muni, doué de — iic. s'étant produit; devenu, tombé | (impers.) il s'est produit, il est arrivé — n. origine, race, espèce; collection (de ) | être vivant, créature — m. pl. myth. le peuple des Jātās, une tribu des Haihayās — f. jātā fille || lat. gentis; fr. genre, engendrer.