====== itthi ====== ===== itthi / itthī ===== //substantif// (féminin) : **femme**, épouse, femelle * étymologie : skt. "//strī//" * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -i / -ī]] == déclinaison == | ^singulier^pluriel^ ^nominatif|itthi|itthiyo| ^vocatif|:::|:::| ^accusatif|itthiṃ|:::| ^instrumental|itthiyā|itthīhi| ^ablatif|:::|:::| ^datif|:::|itthīnaṃ| ^génitif|:::|:::| ^locatif|itthiyā / itthiyaṃ|itthīsu| =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **itthi** & **itthī** (f.) [Vedic stri,Av.strī woman,perhaps with Sk.sātuḥ uterus fr.Idg.°sī to sow or produce,Lat.sero,Goth.saian,Ohg.sāen,Ags.sāwan etc.,cp.also Cymr.hīl progeny,Oir.sīl seed; see J.Schmidt,K.Z.XXV.29.The regular representative of Vedic strī is P.thī,which only occurs rarely (in poetry & compn.) see thī] woman,female; also (usually as --°) wife.Opp.purisa man (see e.g.for contrast of itthi and purisa J.V,72,398; Nett 93; DhA.I,390; PvA.153).-- S.I,33 (nibbānass’eva santike),42,125 (majjhim°,mah°),185; A.I,28,138; II,115,209; III,68,90,156; IV,196 (purisaṁ bandhati); Sn.112,769 (Nom.pl.thiyo = itthi-saññikā thiyo SnA 513); J.I,286 (itthi doso),300 (Gen.pl.itthinaṁ); II,415 (Nom.pl.thiyo); V,397 (thi-ghātaka),398 (Gen.Dat.itthiyā),V.425 (nom pl.itthiyo); Vbh.336,337; DA.I,147; PvA.5,44,46,67,154 (amanuss° of petīs); Sdhp.64,79.-- anitthi a woman lacking the characteristics of womanhood,an unfaithful wife J.II,126 (= ucchiṭṭh° C.); kul’--itthi a wife of good descent Vin.II,10; A.III,76; IV,16,19; dahar° a young wife J.I,291; dur° a poor woman J.IV,38.‹-› Some general characterisations of womanhood:10 kinds of women enumd. at Vin.III,139 = A.V,264 = VvA.72,viz.mātu-rakkhitā,pitu°,mātāpitu° bhātu°,bhaginī°,ñāti°,gotta°,dhamma°,sarakkhā,saparidaṇḍā; see Vin.III,139 for expln. -- S.I,38 (malaṁ brahmacariyassa),43 (id.); J.I,287 (itthiyo nāma āsa lāmikā pacchimikā); IV,222 (itthiyo papāto akkhāto; pamattaṁ pamathenti); V,425 (sīho yathā ...that’itthiyo); women as goods for sale S.I,43 (bhaṇḍānaṁ uttamaṁ); DhA.I,390 (itthiyo vikkiṇiya bhaṇḍaṁ).\\ \\ (lire la suite à la page [[http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.0:1:3198.pali]] =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **strī** f. femme; épouse; femelle | [strīliṅga] gram. genre féminin.