====== iti ====== ===== iti / (i)ti ===== //particule// (invariable) : **ainsi**, voilà, en ces termes ; **à savoir** ; ** dit-il** * commentaire : la forme élidée **//'ti//** est surtout employée pour signaler une citation (placée en finale) et entraîne un allongement de la voyelle ou une modification de la nasale la précédant. =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **iti** (**ti**) (indecl.) [Vedic iti,of pron.base *i,cp.Sk.itthaṁ thus,itthā here,there; Av.ipa so; Lat.ita & item thus.Cp.also P.ettha; lit.“here,there (now),then”] emphatic‹-› deictic particle “thus”.Occurs in both forms iti & ti,the former in higher style (poetry),the latter more familiar in conversational prose.The function of “iti” is expld. by the old Pāli C.in a conventional phrase,looking upon it more as a “filling” particle than trying to define its meaning viz.--itī ti padasandhi padasaṁsaggo padapāripurī akkharasamavāyo etc.” Nd1 123 = Nd2 137.The same expln. also for iti’haṁ (see below IV.) -- \\ I.As deictic adv.“thus,in this way” (Vism.423 iti = evaṁ) pointing to something either just mentioned or about to be mentioned:(a) referring to what precedes Sn.253 (n’eso maman ti iti naṁ vijaññā),805; It.123 (ito devā...taṁ namassanti); Dh.74 (iti bālassa saṅkappo thus think the --foolish),286 (iti bālo vicinteti); Vv 7910 (= evaṁ VvA.307); VvA.5.-- (b) referring to what follows D.I,63 (iti paṭisañcikkhati); A.I,205 (id.) -- \\ II.As emphatic part.pointing out or marking off a statement either as not one’s own (reported) or as the definite contents of (one’s own or other’s) thoughts.On the whole untranslatable (unless written as quotation marks),often only setting off a statement as emphatic,where we would either underline the word or phrase in question,or print it in italics,or put it in quot.marks (e.g.bālo ti vuccati Dh.63 = bālo vuccati).-- 1.in direct speech (as given by writer or narrator),e.g.sādhu bhante Kassapa lābhataṁ esā janatā dassanāyā ti.Tena hi Sīha tvaṁ yeva Bhagavato ārocehī ti.Evaṁ bhante ti kho Sīho ....D.I,151.-- 2.in indirect speech:(a) as statement of a fact “so it is that” (cp.E.“viz.”,Ger.“und zwar”),mostly untranslated Kh IV.(arahā ti pavuccati); J.I,253 (tasmā pesanaka-corā t’eva vuccanti); III,51 (tayo sahāyā ahesuṁ makkato sigālo uddo ti); PvA.112 (aṅkuro pañca-sakaṭasatehi ...aññataro pi brāhmaṇo pañca-sakaṭasatehī ti dve janā sakata-sahassehi ...patipannā).-- (b) as statement of a thought “like this”,“I think”,so,thus Sn.61 (“saṅgo eso” iti ñatvā knowing “this is defilement”),253 (“neso maman” ti iti naṁ vijaññā),783 (“iti’han” ti),1094 (etaṁ dīpaṁ anāparaṁ Nibbānaṁ iti naṁ brūmi I call this N.),1130 (aparā pāraṁ gaccheyya tasmā “Parāyanaṁ” iti).-- \\ III,Peculiarities of spelling.(1) in combn. with other part.iti is elided & contracted as follows: **icc’eva**, **t’eva**,etc.-- (2) final a,i,u preceding ti are lengthened to ā,ī,ū,e.g.mā evaṁ akatthā ti DhA.I,7; kati dhurānī ti ibid; dve yeva dhurāni bhikkhū ti ibid.‹-› \\ IV.Combinations with other emphatic particles:+ eva thus indeed,in truth,really; as **icc’eva** Pv.I,119 (= evam eva PvA.59); **t’eva** J.I,253; Miin 114; **tv’eva** J.I,203; II,2.--**iti kira** thus now,perhaps,I should say D.I,228,229,240.--**iti kho** thus,therefore D.I,98,103; III,135.**iti vā** and so on (?),thus and such (similar cases) Nd1 13 = Nd2 420 A1.--**iti ha** thus surely,indeed Sn.934,1084 (see below under ītihītihaṁ; cp.SnA Index 669:itiha? and itikirā); It.76; DA.I,247,as **iti haṃ** at Sn.783 (same expln. at Nd1 71 as for iti).--**kin ti** how J.II,159.-- **kirā** (f.) [a substantivised iti kira] hearsay,lit.“so I guess” or “I have heard” A.I,189 = II.191 sq.= Nd2 151.Cp.itiha.**itibhava** becoming so & so (opp.abhava not becoming) Vin.II,184 (°abhava); D.I,8 (ip = iti bhavo iti abhavo DA.I,91); A.II,248; It.109 (id.); syn.with itthabhava (q.v.).**itivāda** “speaking so & so”,talk,gossip M.I,133; S.V,73; A.II,26; It III,35.**itivuttaka** (nt.) [a noun formation fr.iti vuttaṁ] “so it has been said”,(book of) quotations,“Logia”,N.of the fourth book of the Khuddaka-nikāya,named thus because every sutta begins with vuttaṁ h’etaṁ Bhagavatā “thus has the Buddha said” (see khuddaka and navaṅga) Vin.III,8; M.I,133; A.II,7,103; III,86,177,361 sq.; Pug.43,62; KhA 12.Kern,Toev.s.v.compares the interesting BSk.distortion itivṛttaṁ.**itihāsa** [= iti ha āsa,preserving the Vedic form āsa,3rd sg.perf.of atthi] “thus indeed it has been”,legendary lore,oral tradition,history; usually mentioned as a branch of brahmanic learning,in phrase itihāsa-pañca-mānaṁ padako veyyākaraṇo etc.D.I,88 = (see DA.I,247); A.I,163; III,223; Sn.447,1020.Cp.also M Vastu I.556.**itihītiha** [itiha + itiha] “so & so” talk,gossip,oral tradition,belief by hearsay etc.(cp.itikirā & anītiha.Nd2 spells ītihītiha) M.I,520; S.I,154; Sn.1084; Nd2 151. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **iti** [relié à idam] part. cl. ainsi, voilà, en ces termes; à savoir, c'est pourquoi, c'est ainsi que; à cet effet | dit-il (ferme une citation implicite); en disant, en parlant; en se disant, en pensant | même (souligne le mot précédent); sous le nom de, voici le sens de | gram. dénote le sens du mot qui précède (autonymie) | d'après, selon (devant un auteur) || lat. //itidem//.