====== gatha ====== ===== gāthā ===== //substantif// (féminin) : **vers**, **stance** * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -ā]] * étymologie : skt. //gā// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **gāthā** (f.) [Vedic gāthā,on dern see gāyate] a verse,stanza,line of poetry,usually referring to an Anuṭṭhubbaṁ or a Tuṭṭhubbaṁ,& called a catuppādā gāthā,a stanza (śloka) of four half-lines A.II,178; J.IV,395.Def.as akkhara-padaniya-mita-ganthita-vacanaṁ at KhA 117.For a riddle on the word see S.I,38.As a style of composition it is one of the nine Aṅgas or divisions of the Canon (see navaṅga Satthu sāsana).Pl.gāthā Sn.429; J.II,160; gāthāyo Vin.I,5,349; D.II,157.gāthāya ajjhābhāsati to address with a verse Vin.I,36,38; Kh v.intr.-- gāthāhi anumodati to thank with (these) lines Vin.I,222,230,246,294,etc.-- gāthāyo gīyamāna uttering the lines Vin.I,38.-- anantaragāthā the foll.stanza J.IV,142; Sn.251; J.I,280; Dh.102 (°sataṁ). --abhigīta gained by verses S.I,167=Sn.81,480 (gāthāyo bhāsitvā laddhaṁ Com.cp.Ger.“ersungen”).--âvasāne after the stanza has been ended DhA.III,171; --jānanaka one who knows verses Anvs.p.35; --dvaya (nt.) a pair of stanzas J.III,395 sq.; PvA.29,40; --pada a half line of a gāthā Dh.101; KhA 123; --sukhattaṁ in order to have a well-sounding line,metri causā,PvA.33. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **gātha** [gā_2-tha] m. chanson | vers, stance — f. **gāthā** [f. gātha] f. hymne; chant | lit. section de l'Avestā (texte sacré Mazdéen de la Perse antique).\\ **gā** var. gai v. [1] pr. (gāyati) pft. (jagau) pp. (gīta) ppr. ps. (gīyamāna) pfp. (geya) pf. (ut, upa, vi, sam) chanter; célébrer en chantant