====== eva ====== ===== eva ===== //adverbe// (invariable) : **seulement**, précisément, vraiment, juste * en composition : -**yeva** (fréquent) ; **-ñeva** (après //ṃ//) ; -**va** (après voyelle longue) * expression : //**evarūpa**// : "tel", "comme ça", "de telle forme (beauté ou vertu...)" =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **eva** (adv.) [Vedic eva] emphatic part “so,even,just”; very freq.in all contexts & combns. -- 1.eva J.I,61 (ajj’eva this veryday),278 (that’eva likewise); II,113 (ahaṁ e.just I),154 (ekam e.just one),160 (attano e.his very own).-- 2.eva often appears with prothetic (sandhi-)y as **yeva**,most frequently after //i// and //e//,but also after the other vowels and //ṃ//,cp.J.I,293,307; II,110,128,129,159; IV,3; VI,363.-- 3.After //ṃ// eva also takes the form of **ñeva**,mostly with assimilation of ṃ to ñ,viz.**tañ ñeva** J.I,223; **tasmiñ ñeva** J.I,139; **ahañ ñeva** Miln.40.-- 4.After long vowels eva is often shortened to **va** (q.v.). -- **evarūpa** (1) such,like that Sn.279,280; It.108; J.II,352,etc.-- (2) of such form,beauty or virtue J.I,294; III,128,etc. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **eva** [ā-iva] prép. cl. seulement, cependant; juste, à peine, ne fait que | même, encore | justement, précisément, exactement; en fait, vraiment, tout-à-fait | car (part. souvent explétive); juste | au moment même où; immédiatement après avoir | vraiment pas.