====== dittha ====== ===== diṭṭha ===== //adjectif// : **vu(e)** [//adiṭṭha// : non vu(e)] ; **connu**, compris ; **visible**, appréhendé par la vue \\ \\ // substantif// (neutre) [//diṭṭhaṃ//] : **vision** * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : participe passé du verbe [[dassati|dassati]] * __commentaire__ : le bouddhisme considère la vue comme le sens principal de la perception aussi bien que de la connaissance (cf. [[cakkhu|cakkhu]]) et //diṭṭha// combiné avec //suta// (entendu) et //muta// (senti par l'odorat, le goût et le toucher), auquel se joint souvent //viññāta// (connu par l'esprit), donne une analyse complète de tous les moyens de connaissance et de reconnaissance. En combinaison avec //dhamma//, il signifie l'ordre visible des choses, le monde de la sensation, ce monde. * __expressions__ : **diṭṭhe dhamme** : "en ce monde" ; **diṭṭhe va dhamme** : "(d'ores et) déjà", "dans / dès cette existence-ci" =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **diṭṭha** [Sk.dṛṣṭa,pp.of *dassati] 1.seen; a° not seen D.I,222 (a°+avedita asacchikata); M.I,3 sq.(diṭṭhaṃ diṭṭhato sañjānāti); Sn.147 (diṭṭhā vā ye vā addiṭṭhā),995 (na me diṭṭho ito pubbe na ssuto ...Satthā); J.II,154; III,278; Pv.I,23 (sāmaṃ d.=seen by yourself); 33 (id.).-- nt.diṭṭhaṃ a vision J.III,416.-- Since sight is the principal sense of perception as well as of apperception (cp.cakkhu),that which is seen is the chief representation of any sense-impression,& diṭṭha combd with suta (heard) and muta (sensed by means of smell,taste & touch),to which viññāta (apperceived by the mind) is often joined,gives a complete analysis of that which comprises all means of cognition & recognition.Thus diṭṭha+suta stands collectively for the whole series Sn.778,812,897,1079; Pv IV.13; diṭṭha suta muta (see Nd2 298 for detail & cp.diṭṭhiyā sutiyā ñāṇena) Sn.790,901,914,1082,1086,1122 (na tuyhaṃ adiṭṭhaṃ asutaṃ amutaṃ kiñcanaṃ atthi=you are omniscient); d.suta muta viññāta in the same sense as Sn.1122 in “yaṃ sadevakassa lokassa d.s.m.v.sabbaṃ taṃ Tathāgatena abhisambuddhaṃ” of the cognitive powers of the Tathāgata D.III,134=Nd2 276= It.121; D.III,232; Sn.1086,1122.-- 2.known,understood M.I,486; Sn.761; diṭṭha pañha a problem or question solved J.VI,532.See also conclusion of No.1.-- 3.(adj.) visible,determined by sight,in conn.with dhamma meaning the visible order of things,the world of sensation,this world (opp.samparāyika dhamma the state after death,the beyond).Usually in cpds.(-°):of this world,in this world.-- diṭṭhadhamma Vin.II,188; D.III,222 sq.; A.I,249; II,61; Nd2 297 (=ñātadhamma); DA.I,278; Sdhp.470.-- °abhinibbuta attained to Nibbāna in this birth A.I,142; Sn.1087 (see Nibbāna); °nibbāna earthly N.D.I,36; DA.I,121; °sukhavihāra (& °in) happy condition (or faring well) in this world Vin.II,188; M.I,40,331,459; S.II,239; Dhs.577,1283; DhsA.296; °vedanīya to be perceived in this condition A.I,249,251; PvA.145.-- Freq.in Loc.diṭṭhe dhamme (in this world) It.17 (attha,opp.samparāyika attha),or diṭṭhe va dhamme (already or even in the present existence) D.I,156,167,177,196; III,108; M.I,341 sq.,485; II,94,103; A.II,155,167; III,429; Sn.141,343,1053; It.22,23,etc.-- In the same sense diṭṭhadhammika (adj.) belonging or referring to this world or the present existence,always contrasted with samparāyika belonging to a future state:Vin.I,179; III,21; D.III,130; A.I,47,98; Nd2 26; It.16; VvA.149; PvA.131,etc. --ânugati imitation of what one sees,emulation,competition S.II,203; M.I,16; A.I,126; III,108,251,422; Pug.33; DhA.IV,39; --āvikamma making visible or clear,open statement,confession Vin.V,183,187 sq.; --kāla the time of seeing (anybody),opportunity VvA.120; --ppatta one who has obtained (Nibbāna) in this world Nett 190; --padā (pl.) visible signs or characteristics A.IV,103; --maṅgalika (adj.) of puccha,a question concerning visible omina.J.IV,390; as °ikā (f.) Np at J.IV,376 sq.= SnA 185 sq.--saṃsandana Nd2 447=DhsA.55.