====== dibba ====== ===== dibba ===== //adjectif// : **céleste**, **divin**, splendide, magnifique ; en rapport avec le monde des //deva//(s) * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[diva|diva]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **dibba** (adj.) [Ved.divya=P.divya in verse (q.v.),Gr.dίos (*divios),Lat.dīus (*divios)=divine.Cp.deva] of the next world, divine, heavenly, celestial, superb, magnificent, fit for exalted beings higher than man (devas,heroes,manes etc.),superhuman,opp.mānusaka human.Freq.qualifying the foll.“summa bona”:cakkhu the deva-eye,i.e.the faculty of clairvoyance,attr.in a marked degree to the Buddha & other perfect beings (see cakkhumant) D.I,82,162; II,20 (yena sudaṁ samantā yojanaṁ passati divā c’eva rattiñ ca); III,219; S.I,196; II,55 sq.; M.II,21; It.52; Th.2,70; Ps.I,114; II,175; Vism.434; Sdhp.482; PvA.5 (of Moggallāna); Tikp 278; Dukp 54.sota the d.ear,matching the d.eye D.I,79,154; J.V,456; also as sotadhātu A.I,255; M.II,19; D.III,38,281; Vism.430.rūpa D.I,153.Āyu, vaṇṇa etc.(see dasa ṭhānāni) A.I,115; III,33; IV,242; PvA.9,89.kāmā Sn.361; Dh.187; It.94; also as kāmaguṇā A.V,273.Of food,drink,dress & other commodities:A.I,182; J.I,50,202; III,189; PvA.23,50,70,76 etc.‹-› Def.as devaloke sambhūta DA.I,120; divibhavattā dibba KhA 227; divibhāvaṁ devattabhāva-pariyāpanna PvA.14.-- See further e.g.S.I,105; D.III,146; Sn.176,641; Dh.236,417; Pug.60; Vism.407 (defn),423. --osadha magical drugs Miln.283; --kāmā (pl.) heavenly joys (see above) J.I,138 (opp.mānusakā); --cakkhuka endowed with the superhuman eye S.II,156; A.I,23,25; --paṇṇākāra (dasavidha°) the (tenfold) heavenly gift (viz.āyu,vaṇṇa etc.:see ṭhāna) DhA.III,292; --bhāva divine condition or state PvA.110; --yoga union with the gods S.I,60; --vihāra supreme condition of heart Miln.225; --sampatti heavenly bliss J.IV,3; DhA.III,292; PvA.16,30. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **divya** [div-ya] a. m. n. f. divyā divin, céleste; opp. manuṣya | merveilleux, magique; splendide, ravissant — m. être céleste | année divine — n. jugement divin; le monde divin | le divin.