====== dharati ====== ===== dharati ===== //verbe// : **porter**, tenir, soutenir ; **garder à l'esprit**, savoir par cœur ; **durer**, continuer * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. //dhṛ// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **dharati** [Sk.dharati,dhṛ as in Gr.qrόnos; Lat.firmus & fretus. See also daḷha,dhata,dhamma,dhiti,dhuva] to hold, bear, carry, wear ; to hold up, support; to bear in mind, know by heart ; to hold out, endure, last, continue, live Sn.385 (take to heart,remember); DhA.II,68; -- ppr. **dharamāṇa** living,lasting J.I,75 (dh°e yeva suriye while the sun was still up); II,6; Miln.240,291 (Bhagavato dh°-kāle); -- grd. **dhareyya**, in dh°divasa the day when a young girl is to be carried (into the house of her husband) ThA,25; cp. **dhāreyya** Th.2,472=vivāha ThA.285.-- pp. **dhata** (q.v.) -- Caus. **dhāreti** (q.v.). =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **dhṛ** v. [1] pr. (dharati) pft. (dadhāra) aor. [3] (adīdharat) pp. (dhṛta) pf. (ava, ā, nis, vi, sam) (surtout utilisé au ca.) — ca. (dhārayati) tenir fermement, retenir, soutenir, porter, supporter; endurer | préserver, entretenir, garder, posséder; devoir (à ) | réprimer, arrêter, supprimer; imposer, décider — ps. (dhriyate) se maintenir, être ferme.