====== dayada ====== ===== dāyāda ===== //substantif// (masculin) ou //adjectif// : **héritier**, héritière * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[daya|dāya]] + [[a|ā]] + [[dadati|da/dadāti]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **dāyāda** [Sk.dāyāda=dāya+ā-da receiving the (son’s) portion,same formation on ground of sam̊e idea as Lat.heres=*ghero+ē--do receiver of what is left:see Brugmann,Album Kern p.29 sq.] heir M.I,86=Nd2 199; S.I,69,90; IV,72; A.III,72 sq.; J.III,181; VI,151; Kh VIII,5.Often fig.with kamma° one who inherits his own deeds (see kamma 3 A b & cpds.):M.I,390 sq.; A.V,289; & as dhamma° (spiritual heir) opposed to āmisa° (material h.):M.I,12; It.101; also as dhamma° D.III,84; as brahma° M.II,84; D.III,83.-- adāyāda not having an heir S.I,69; J.V,267.See dāyajja & dāyādaka. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **dāyāda** [āda] m. héritier (de ) — f. dāyādā héritière — f. dāyādī id.