====== dakkha ====== ===== dakkha ===== **(1)** //adjectif// : **adroit**, compétent, capable \\ **(2)** //substantif// (neutre) : **adresse**, **habileté**, dextérité, compétence, expertise * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : skt. //dakṣ// ; lat. //dexter// ; fr. //droit//, //adroit//, //dextérité// ===Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede=== **dakkha (1)**(adj.) [Vedic dakṣa=Gr.a)ri-dei/ketos & deciόs; dakṣati to be able; to please,satisfy,cp.daśasyati to honour,denom.fr.*dasa=Lat.decus honour,skill.All to *dek in Lat.decet to be fit,proper,etc.On var.theories of connections of root see Walde,Lat.Wtb.under decet.It may be that *deks is an intens.formation fr.*diś to point (see disati),then the original meaning would be “pointing,” i.e.the hand used for pointing.For further etym.see dakkhiṇa] dexterous,skilled,handy,able,clever D.I,45,74,78; III,190 (+analasa) M.I,119; III,2; S.I,65; Nd2 141 (+analasa & sampajāna); J.III,247; DA.I,217 (=cheka); Miln.344 (rūpadakkhā those who are of “fit” appearance)\\ **dakkha (2)** (nt.) [dakkha1+ya,see dakkheyya] dexterity,ability,skill J.III,466.. ===Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)=== **dakṣa** [agt. dakṣ] a. m. n. f. dakṣā capable, adroit, habile, compétent; expert en ; zélé — m. adéquation, efficacité; compétence, expertise | myth. np. du radieux [āditya] Dakṣa «Expert (en rituel)», dieu du sacrifice\\ **dakṣ** v. [1] pr. md. (dakṣate) pft. (dadakṣe) véd. être utile, être capable, servir; renforcer.