====== cha ====== ===== cha / chaḷ- ===== //adjectif// numéral : **six** *en composition : **chaḷ-** *déclinaison : | ^pluriel^ ^nominatif|cha| ^accusatif|:::| ^instrumental|chahi, chambhī| ^ablatif|:::| ^datif|channaṁ| ^génitif|:::| ^locatif|chasu, chassu| * **chaṭṭha** : le sixème =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **cha** & **chaḷ** (cha in composition effects gemination of consonant, e. g. chabbīsati=cha+vīsati, chabbaṇṇa= cha+vaṇṇa, chaḷ only before vowels in compn: chaḷanga, chaḷ -- abhiññā) [Vedic ṣaṣ & ṣaṭ (ṣaḍ=chaḷ), Gr. e(/c, Lat. sex, Goth, saihs] the number six. Cases: nom. cha, gen. **channaṃ**, instr. **chahi** (& **chambhī** (?) J iv.310, which should be chambhi & prob. chabbhi=ṣaḍbhiḥ; see also chambhī), loc. **chasu** (& **chassu**), num. ord. **chaṭṭha** the sixth. Cp. also saṭṭhi (60) soḷasa (16). Six is applied whenever a "major set" is concerned (see 2), as in the foll.: 6 munis are distinguished at Nd2 514 (in pairs of 3: see muni); 6 bhikkhus as a "clique" (see chabaggiya, cp. the Vestal virgins in Rome, 6 in number); 6 are the sciences of the Veda (see **chaḷanga**); there are 6 buddha -- dhammā (Nd2 466); 6 viññāṇakāyā (see upadhi); 6 senses & sense -- organs (see āyatana) -- cha dānasālā J i.282; oraṃ chahi māsehi kālakiriyā bhavissati (l shall die in 6 months, i. e. not just yet, but very soon, after the "next" moon) Pv iv.335. Six bodily faults J i.394 (viz. too long, too short, too thin, too fat, too black, too white). Six thousand Gandhabbas J ii.334. Lire la suite à la page : http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.1:1:1573.pali =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **ṣaṣ** num. * pl. le nombre six || lat. //sex// ; all. //sechs// ; ang. //six// ; fr. six.