====== ce ====== ===== ce ===== //particule// (invariable) : **si** * fréquemment employé en composition : //ahañ ce//, //ettha ce//, //noce//, //yañce//, //sace// * se construit avec l'indicatif, le conditionnel, le potentiel =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **ce**,[Vedic ced; ce = Lat.//que// in //absque//,ne-c,etc.,Goth.h in ni-h.see also ca 3] conditional particle "if", constructed either with Indicative (//ito ce pi yojanasate,viharati// even if he lived 100 y.from here D.I,117) or Conditional (//tatra ce tumhe assatha kupitā// D.I,3),or Potential (//passe ce vipulaṃ sukhaṃ// Dh.290).-- Always enclitic (like Lat.que) & as a rule placed after the emphasized word at the beginning of the sentence : puññañ ce puriso kayirā Dh.118; brāhmaṇo ce tvaṃ brūsi Sn.457.Usually added to pronouns or pron.adverbs : **ahañ ce** va kho pana ceteyyaṃ D.I,185 ; **ettha ce** te mano atthi S.I,116,or combd with other particles,as **noce**, **yañce**, **sace** (q.v.).Freq.also in combn with other indef.interrog.or emphatic particles,as **ce va kho pana** if then,if now : //ahañ ce va kho pana pañhaṃ puccheyyaṃ// D.I,117 ; //ahañ ce va kho pana abhivādeyyaṃ// D.I,125; **api** (pi) **ce** even if : //api ce vassasataṁ jīve mānavo// Sn.589. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **ced** var. **cet**_2 [**ca**] conj. cl. si, pourvu que, au cas où (ce qui précède). **ca** conj. cl. et, aussi, ainsi que | mais, par contre, bien que; si | même; précisément, uniquement || lat. //que//.